Re: Materialized views WIP patch

От Noah Misch
Тема Re: Materialized views WIP patch
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Ответ на Re: Materialized views WIP patch  ("Kevin Grittner" <>)
Ответы Re: Materialized views WIP patch
Список pgsql-hackers
Hi Kevin,

The patch conflicts with git master; I tested against master@{2013-01-20}.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 12:40:55AM -0500, Kevin Grittner wrote:
> I've been struggling with two areas:
>  - pg_dump sorting for MVs which depend on other MVs

From your later messages, I understand that you have a way forward on this.

>  - proper handling of the relisvalid flag for unlogged MVs after recovery

I have discussed this in a separate email.  While reading the patch to assess
that topic, I found a few more things:

> *** a/contrib/pg_upgrade/version_old_8_3.c
> --- b/contrib/pg_upgrade/version_old_8_3.c
> ***************
> *** 145,151 **** old_8_3_check_for_tsquery_usage(ClusterInfo *cluster)
>                                   "FROM    pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
>                                   "        pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, "
>                                   "        pg_catalog.pg_attribute a "
> !                                 "WHERE    c.relkind = 'r' AND "
>                                   "        c.oid = a.attrelid AND "
>                                   "        NOT a.attisdropped AND "
>                                   "        a.atttypid = 'pg_catalog.tsquery'::pg_catalog.regtype AND "
> --- 145,151 ----
>                                   "FROM    pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
>                                   "        pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, "
>                                   "        pg_catalog.pg_attribute a "
> !                                 "WHERE    c.relkind in ('r', 'm') AND "
>                                   "        c.oid = a.attrelid AND "
>                                   "        NOT a.attisdropped AND "
>                                   "        a.atttypid = 'pg_catalog.tsquery'::pg_catalog.regtype AND "

PostgreSQL 8.3 clusters won't contain materialized views, so it doesn't really
matter whether this change happens or not.  I suggest adding a comment,
whether or not you keep the code change.

> *** a/contrib/sepgsql/sepgsql.h
> --- b/contrib/sepgsql/sepgsql.h
> ***************
> *** 32,37 ****
> --- 32,39 ----
>   /*
>    * Internally used code of object classes
> +  *
> +  * NOTE: Materialized views are treated as tables for now.

This smells like a bypass of mandatory access control.  Unless you've
determined that this is correct within the sepgsql security model, I suggest
starting with a draconian policy, like simply crippling MVs.  Even if you have
determined that, separating out the nontrivial sepgsql support might be good.
The set of ideal reviewers is quite different.

>    */
>   #define SEPG_CLASS_PROCESS            0
>   #define SEPG_CLASS_FILE                1
> *** a/contrib/vacuumlo/vacuumlo.c
> --- b/contrib/vacuumlo/vacuumlo.c
> ***************
> *** 209,215 **** vacuumlo(const char *database, const struct _param * param)
>       strcat(buf, "      AND a.atttypid = t.oid ");
>       strcat(buf, "      AND c.relnamespace = s.oid ");
>       strcat(buf, "      AND t.typname in ('oid', 'lo') ");
> !     strcat(buf, "      AND c.relkind = 'r'");
>       strcat(buf, "      AND s.nspname !~ '^pg_'");
>       res = PQexec(conn, buf);
>       if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
> --- 209,215 ----
>       strcat(buf, "      AND a.atttypid = t.oid ");
>       strcat(buf, "      AND c.relnamespace = s.oid ");
>       strcat(buf, "      AND t.typname in ('oid', 'lo') ");
> !     strcat(buf, "      AND c.relkind in ('r', 'm')");

It concerns me slightly that older vacuumlo could silently remove large
objects still referenced by MVs.  Only slightly, though, because the next MV
refresh would remove those references anyway.  Is there anything we should do
to help that situation?  If nothing else, perhaps backpatch this patch hunk.

> +    <varlistentry>
> +     <term><literal>WITH OIDS</></term>
> +     <term><literal>WITHOUT OIDS</></term>
> +     <listitem>
> +      <para>
> +       These are obsolescent syntaxes equivalent to <literal>WITH (OIDS)</>
> +       and <literal>WITH (OIDS=FALSE)</>, respectively.  If you wish to give
> +       both an <literal>OIDS</> setting and storage parameters, you must use
> +       the <literal>WITH ( ... )</> syntax; see above.
> +      </para>
> +     </listitem>
> +    </varlistentry>

Let's not support OIDs on MVs.  They'll be regenerated on every refresh.

> ***************
> *** 336,342 **** ExplainOneQuery(Query *query, IntoClause *into, ExplainState *es,
>    */
>   void
>   ExplainOneUtility(Node *utilityStmt, IntoClause *into, ExplainState *es,
> !                   const char *queryString, ParamListInfo params)
>   {
>       if (utilityStmt == NULL)
>           return;
> --- 338,345 ----
>    */
>   void
>   ExplainOneUtility(Node *utilityStmt, IntoClause *into, ExplainState *es,
> !                   const char *queryString, DestReceiver *dest,
> !                   ParamListInfo params)
>   {
>       if (utilityStmt == NULL)
>           return;
> ***************
> *** 349,361 **** ExplainOneUtility(Node *utilityStmt, IntoClause *into, ExplainState *es,
>            * contained parsetree another time, but let's be safe.
>            */
>           CreateTableAsStmt *ctas = (CreateTableAsStmt *) utilityStmt;
> !         List       *rewritten;
>           Assert(IsA(ctas->query, Query));
> !         rewritten = QueryRewrite((Query *) copyObject(ctas->query));
> !         Assert(list_length(rewritten) == 1);
> !         ExplainOneQuery((Query *) linitial(rewritten), ctas->into, es,
> !                         queryString, params);
>       }
>       else if (IsA(utilityStmt, ExecuteStmt))
>           ExplainExecuteQuery((ExecuteStmt *) utilityStmt, into, es,
> --- 352,366 ----
>            * contained parsetree another time, but let's be safe.
>            */
>           CreateTableAsStmt *ctas = (CreateTableAsStmt *) utilityStmt;
> !         Query       *query = (Query *) ctas->query;
> ! 
> !         dest = CreateIntoRelDestReceiver(into);
>           Assert(IsA(ctas->query, Query));
> ! 
> !         query = SetupForCreateTableAs(query, ctas->into, queryString, params, dest);
> ! 
> !         ExplainOneQuery(query, ctas->into, es, queryString, dest, params);
>       }
>       else if (IsA(utilityStmt, ExecuteStmt))
>           ExplainExecuteQuery((ExecuteStmt *) utilityStmt, into, es,

If I'm reading this right, you always overwrite the passed-in dest without
looking at it.  What's the intent here?

> +     /*
> +      * Kludge here to allow refresh of a materialized view which is invalid
> +      * (that is, it was created WITH NO DATA or was TRUNCATED). We flag the
> +      * first two RangeTblEntry list elements, which were added to the front
> +      * of the rewritten Query to keep the rules system happy, with the
> +      * isResultRel flag to indicate that it is OK if they are flagged as
> +      * invalid.
> +      */
> +     rtable = dataQuery->rtable;
> +     ((RangeTblEntry *) linitial(rtable))->isResultRel = true;
> +     ((RangeTblEntry *) lsecond(rtable))->isResultRel = true;

Is it safe to assume that the first two RTEs are the correct ones to flag?

> +     /*
> +      * Swap the physical files of the target and transient tables, then
> +      * rebuild the target's indexes and throw away the transient table.
> +      */
> +     finish_heap_swap(matviewOid, OIDNewHeap, false, false, false, RecentXmin);

The check_constraints argument should be "true", because the refresh could
have invalidated a UNIQUE index.

> ***************
> *** 3049,3055 **** ATPrepCmd(List **wqueue, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd,
>               break;
>           case AT_ClusterOn:        /* CLUSTER ON */
>           case AT_DropCluster:    /* SET WITHOUT CLUSTER */
> !             ATSimplePermissions(rel, ATT_TABLE);
>               /* These commands never recurse */
>               /* No command-specific prep needed */
>               pass = AT_PASS_MISC;
> --- 3104,3110 ----
>               break;
>           case AT_ClusterOn:        /* CLUSTER ON */
>           case AT_DropCluster:    /* SET WITHOUT CLUSTER */
> !             ATSimplePermissions(rel, ATT_TABLE | ATT_MATVIEW);

If the user desires an actually-clustered MV, he must re-CLUSTER it after each
refresh.  That deserves a documentation mention.

> ***************
> *** 724,729 **** InitPlan(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
> --- 765,775 ----
>       ExecCheckRTPerms(rangeTable, true);
>       /*
> +      * Ensure that all referrenced relations are flagged as valid.


> +      */
> +     ExecCheckRelationsValid(rangeTable);

I believe this ought to happen after the executor lock acquisitions, perhaps
right in ExecOpenScanRelation().  Since you'll then have an open Relation,
RelationIsFlaggedAsValid() can use the relcache.

> ***************
> *** 1591,1596 **** fireRIRrules(Query *parsetree, List *activeRIRs, bool forUpdatePushedDown)
> --- 1592,1607 ----
>           rel = heap_open(rte->relid, NoLock);
>           /*
> +          * Skip materialized view expansion when resultRelation is set.
> +          */
> +         if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW &&
> +             rel->rd_rel->relisvalid)
> +         {
> +             heap_close(rel, NoLock);
> +             break;
> +         }

Would you elaborate on this?

> +     /* Strip off the trailing semicolon so that other things may follow. */
> +     appendBinaryPQExpBuffer(result, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), len - 1);

I suggest verifying that the last character is indeed a semicolon.

>   /*
> +  * dumpMatViewIndex
> +  *      write out to fout a user-defined index
> +  */
> + static void
> + dumpMatViewIndex(Archive *fout, IndxInfo *indxinfo)

This is so similar to dumpIndex(); can we avoid this level of duplication?

> *** /dev/null
> --- b/src/test/regress/sql/matview.sql

> + -- test diemv when the mv does exist
> + 
> + -- make sure that dependencies are reported properly when they block the drop
> + 
> + -- make sure dependencies are dropped and reported

Please retain an interesting sample of materialized views in the regression
database.  Among other benefits, the pg_upgrade test suite exercises pg_dump
and pg_upgrade for all object types retained in the regression database.

The regression tests should probably include a few other wrinkles, like an
index on a MV.

Creating a RULE on an MV succeeds, but refreshing the view then fails:

[local] test=# create rule mvrule as on insert to mymv where 1 = 0 do also select 1;
[local] test=# REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW mymv;
ERROR:  materialized view "mymv" has too many rules

The documentation is a good start.  I would expect a brief introduction in
Tutorial -> Advanced Features and possibly a deeper discussion under The SQL
Language.  I suggest updating Explicit Locking to mention the new commands;
users will be interested in the lock level of a refresh.

You have chosen to make pg_dump preserve the valid-or-invalid state of each
MV.  That seems reasonable, though I'm slightly concerned about the case of a
dump taken from a standby.

We support ALTER TABLE against regular views for historical reasons.  When we
added foreign tables, we did not extend that permissiveness; one can only use
ALTER FOREIGN TABLE on foreign tables.  Please do the same for materialized
views.  See RangeVarCallbackForAlterRelation().  Note that "ALTER TABLE
... RENAME colname TO newname" and "ALTER TABLE ... RENAME CONSTRAINT" are
currently supported for MVs by ALTER TABLE but not by ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW.

There's no documented support for table constraints on MVs, but UNIQUE
constraints are permitted:

[local] test=# alter materialized view mymv add unique (c);
[local] test=# alter materialized view mymv add check (c > 0);
ERROR:  "mymv" is not a table
[local] test=# alter materialized view mymv add primary key (c);
ERROR:  "mymv" is not a table or foreign table

Some of the ALTER TABLE variants would make plenty of sense for MVs:
   ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET STATISTICS integer   ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET ( attribute_option = value [,
...] )   ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name RESET ( attribute_option [, ... ] )   ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET STORAGE {

It wouldn't be a problem to skip those for the first patch, though.
Conversely, this syntax is accepted:
   ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] name SET ( view_option_name [= view_option_value] [, ... ] )

But there are no available options.  The only option accepted for regular
views, security_barrier, is rejected.  MVs always have security_barrier
semantics, in any event.

Overall, I recommend auditing all the ALTER TABLE and ALTER VIEW options to
determine which ones make sense for MVs.  For each one in the sensible set,
either allow it or add a comment indicating that it could reasonably be
allowed in the future.  For each one outside the set, forbid it.  Verify that
the documentation, the results of your evaluation, and the actual allowed
operations are all consistent.


В списке pgsql-hackers по дате отправления:

От: Noah Misch
Сообщение: Re: Materialized views WIP patch
От: Cody Cutrer
Сообщение: NOT VALID FKs and Constraints