Re: Support for N synchronous standby servers - take 2

Тема Re: Support for N synchronous standby servers - take 2
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Ответ на Re: Support for N synchronous standby servers - take 2  (Masahiko Sawada <>)
Ответы Re: Support for N synchronous standby servers - take 2
Список pgsql-hackers

At Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:01:59 +0900, Masahiko Sawada <> wrote in
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 5:37 PM, Kyotaro HORIGUCHI
> <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Ok, I think we should concentrate the parser part for now.
> >
> > At Tue, 23 Feb 2016 17:44:44 +0900 (Tokyo Standard Time), Kyotaro HORIGUCHI <> wrote
> >> Hello,
> >> So, to preserve or following the current behavior expct the last
> >> one, the following pattern definitions would do. The
> >> lexer/grammer for the new format of s_s_names could be simpler
> >> than what it is.
> >>
> >> space                 [ \n\r\f\t\v] /* See the definition of isspace(3) */
> >> whitespace            {space}+
> >> dquote            \"
> >> app_name_chars    [\x21-\x2b\x2d-\x7e]   /* excluding ' ', ',' */
> >> app_name_indq_chars [\x20\x21\x23-\x7e]  /* excluding '"'  */
> >> app_name_dq_chars ({app_name_indq_chars}|{dquote}{dquote})
> >> delimiter         {whitespace}*,{whitespace}*
> >> app_name  ({app_name_chars}+|{dquote}{app_name_dq_chars}+{dquote})
> >> s_s_names {app_name}({delimiter}{app_name})*
> >
> >
> > So I made a hasty independent parser for the syntax including the
> > group names for the convenience for separate testing.  The parser
> > takes input from stdin and prints the result structure.
> >
> > It can take old s_s_name format and new list format. We haven't
> > discussed how to add gruop names but I added it as "<grpname>"
> > just before the # of syncronous standbys of [] and {} lists.
> >
> > Is this usable for further discussions?
> Thank you for your suggestion.
> Another option is to add group name with ":" to immediately after set
> of standbys as I said earlier.
> <>
> s_s_names with group name would be as follows.
> s_s_names = '2[local, 2[london1, london2, london3]:london, (tokyo1,
> tokyo2):tokyo]'
> Though?

I have no problem with it. The attached new sample parser does

By the way, your parser also complains for an example I've seen
somewhere upthread "1[2,3,4]". This is because '2', '3' and '4'
are regarded as INT, not NAME. Whether a sequence of digits is a
prefix number of a list or a host name cannot be identified until
reading some following characters. So my previous test.l defined
NAME_OR_INTEGER and it is distinguished in the grammar side to
resolve this problem.

If you want them identified in the lexer side, it should do
looking-forward as <NAME_OR_PREFIX>{prefix} in the attached
test.l does. This makes the lexer a bit complex but in contrast
test.y simpler. The test.l, test.y attached got refactored but .l
gets a bit tricky..


Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


%option noyywrap


space            [ \t\n\r\f]
whitespace        {space}+

dquote            \"
app_name_chars    [\x21-\x27\x2a\x2b\x2d-\x5a\x5c\x5e-\x7a\x7c\x7e]
app_name_indq_chars [\x20\x21\x23-\x7e]
app_name    {app_name_chars}+
app_name_dq ({app_name_indq_chars}|{dquote}{dquote})+
delimiter         {whitespace}*,{whitespace}*
app_name_start {app_name_chars}
any_app \*|({dquote}\*{dquote})
xdstart {dquote}
xdstop  {dquote}
openlist [\[\(]
prefix [0-9]+{whitespace}*{openlist}
closelist [\]\)]
{xdstart} { BEGIN(DQNAME); }
<DQNAME>{xdstop} { BEGIN(INITIAL); }
<DQNAME>{app_name_dq} { appname *name = (appname *)malloc(sizeof(appname)); int i, j;
 for (i = j = 0 ; j < 63 && yytext[i] ; i++, j++) {   if (yytext[i] == '"')   {    if (yytext[i+1] == '"')
name->str[j]= '"';    else        fprintf(stderr, "illegal quote escape\n");    i++;}   else    name->str[j] =
 } name->str[j] = 0; name->quoted = 1; = name; return NAME;
{app_name_start} { BEGIN(NAME_OR_PREFIX); yyless(0);}
<NAME_OR_PREFIX>{app_name} {   appname *name = (appname *)malloc(sizeof(appname));char *p;
   name->quoted = 0;strncpy(name->str, yytext, 63);name->str[63] = 0;for (p = name->str ; *p ; p++){    if (*p >= 'A'
&&*p <= 'Z')        *p = *p + ('a' - 'A');} = name;BEGIN(INITIAL);return NAME;
<NAME_OR_PREFIX>{prefix} {static char prefix[16];int i, l;
/* find the last digit */for (l = 0 ; l < 16 && isdigit(yytext[l]) ; l++);if (l > 15)    fprintf(stderr, "too long
prefixnumber for lists\n");for (i = 0 ; i < l ; i++)    prefix[i] = yytext[i];prefix[i] = 0;yylval.str =
   /* prefix ends with a left brace or paren, so go backward by 1      char for further readin */
yyless(yyleng - 1);   BEGIN(INITIAL);return PREFIX;
<GRPCLOSED>{whitespace}*. {BEGIN(INITIAL);if (yytext[yyleng - 1] == ':')    return yytext[yyleng - 1];yyless(0);
{delimiter} { return DELIMITER;}
{openlist} {yylval.character = yytext[0];return OPENLIST;    
{closelist} { BEGIN(GRPCLOSED);yylval.character = yytext[0];return CLOSELIST;    


//int main(void)
//    int r;
//    while(r = yylex()) {
//    fprintf(stderr, "#%d:(%s)#", r, yylval.str);
//    yylval.str = "";
//    }
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//#define YYDEBUG 1
typedef enum treeelemtype
} treeelemtype;

struct syncdef;
typedef struct syncdef
{ treeelemtype type; char *name; int quoted; int nsync; int nest;
 struct syncdef *elems; struct syncdef *next;
} syncdef;
typedef struct
{int quoted;char str[64];
} appname;
void yyerror(const char *s);
int yylex(void);
int depth = 0;
syncdef *defroot = NULL;
syncdef *curr = NULL;

{ char  character; char *str; appname  *name; int    ival; syncdef *syncdef;
%token <str> PREFIX
%token <name> NAME
%token <character> OPENLIST CLOSELIST

%type <syncdef> group_list name_list name_elem name_elem_nonlist
%type <syncdef> old_list s_s_names
%type <name> opt_groupname
%type <str> opt_prefix

s_s_names:old_list{  syncdef *t = (syncdef*)malloc(sizeof(syncdef));
  t->type = TE_PRIORITY_LIST;  t->name = NULL;  t->quoted = 0;  t->nsync = 1;  t->elems = $1;  t->next = NULL;  defroot
=$$ = t;}| group_list{ defroot = $$ = $1;};

old_list:name_elem_nonlist{  $$ = $1;}| old_list DELIMITER name_elem_nonlist{  syncdef *p = $1;
  while (p->next) p = p->next;  p->next = $3;};

group_list: opt_prefix OPENLIST name_list CLOSELIST opt_groupname{  syncdef *t;  char *p = $1;  int n = atoi($1);  if
(n== 0)  {    yyerror("prefix number is 0 or non-integer");    return 1;  }  if ($3->nest > 1)  {    yyerror("Up to 2
levelsof nesting is supported");    return 1;  }  for (t = $3 ; t ; t = t->next)  {      if (t->type == TE_HOSTNAME &&
t->next&& strcmp(t->name, "*") == 0)      {          yyerror("\"*\" is allowed only at the end of priority list");
   return 1;      }  }  if ($2 == '[' && $4 != ']' || $2 == '(' && $4 != ')')  {      yyerror("Unmatched group
parentheses");     return 1;  }        t = (syncdef*)malloc(sizeof(syncdef));  t->type = ($2 == '[' ? TE_PRIORITY_LIST
:TE_QUORUM_LIST);  t->nsync = n;  t->name = $5->str;  t->quoted = $5->quoted;  t->nest = $3->nest + 1;  t->elems = $3;
t->next= NULL;  $$ = t;}  ;
opt_prefix:PREFIX{ $$ = $1; }| { $$ = "1"; };

opt_groupname:':' NAME{ $$ = $2; }| /* EMPTY */{     appname *name = (appname *)malloc(sizeof(name));     name->str[0]
=0;  name->quoted = 0;     $$ = name;   };

name_list:name_elem{    $$ = $1;}| name_list DELIMITER name_elem{    syncdef *p = $1;
    if (p->nest < $3->nest)        p->nest = $3->nest;    while (p->next) p = p->next;    p->next = $3;    $$ = $1;};

name_elem:name_elem_nonlist{  $$ = $1;   }| group_list{  $$ = $1;};

name_elem_nonlist:NAME{  syncdef *t = (syncdef*)malloc(sizeof(syncdef));  t->type = TE_HOSTNAME;  t->nsync = 0;
t->name= strdup($1->str);  t->quoted = $1->quoted;  t->nest = 0;  t->elems = NULL;  t->next = NULL;  $$ = t;   };
indent(int level)
{ int i;
 for (i = 0 ; i < level * 2 ; i++)  putc(' ', stdout);

dump_def(syncdef *def, int level)
{ char *typelabel[] = {"HOSTNAME", "PRIO_LIST", "QUORUM_LIST"}; syncdef *p;
 if (def == NULL)  return;  switch (def->type) {  case TE_HOSTNAME:      indent(level);      puts("{");
indent(level+1);     printf("TYPE: %s\n", typelabel[def->type]);      indent(level+1);      printf("HOSTNAME: %s\n",
def->name);     indent(level+1);      printf("QUOTED: %s\n", def->quoted ? "Yes" : "No");      indent(level+1);
printf("NEST:%d\n", def->nest);      indent(level);      puts("}");      if (def->next)          dump_def(def->next,
level);     break;  case TE_PRIORITY_LIST:  case TE_QUORUM_LIST:      indent(level);      printf("TYPE: %s\n",
typelabel[def->type]);     indent(level);      printf("GROUPNAME: %s\n", def->name ? def->name : "<none>");
indent(level);     printf("NSYNC: %d\n", def->nsync);      indent(level);      printf("NEST: %d\n", def->nest);
indent(level);     puts("CHILDREN {");      level++;      dump_def(def->elems, level);      level--;
indent(level);     puts("}");      if (def->next)          dump_def(def->next, level);      break;  default:
fprintf(stderr,"Unknown type?\n");      exit(1); } level--;

int main(void)
//    yydebug = 1;if (!yyparse())    dump_def(defroot, 0);

void yyerror(const char* s)
{ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", s);

#include "lex.yy.c"

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Сообщение: Re: Identifying a message in emit_log_hook.
Сообщение: Re: PATCH: index-only scans with partial indexes