[BUGS] BUG #14722: Segfault in tuplesort_heap_siftup, 32 bit overflow

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      14722
Logged by:          Sergey Koposov
Email address:      skoposov@cmu.edu
PostgreSQL version: 9.5.7
Operating system:   Debian 7.11, x86_64


I have a very large table (40e9 records) that I'm trying to create the index
on and I am getting a segmentation fault that could be traced as far as I
understand to a 32 bit int overflow in tuplesort_heap_siftup

Here are the commands leading to the crash: 

wsdb=# set maintenance_work_mem to '70GB';
wsdb=# create index on cgonzal.vvv_single_ks_sorted (q3c_ang2ipix(ra,dec));


Importantly the table has already been sorted by q3c_ang2ipix(ra,dec) !


Here is the table info:
wsdb=# explain select * from  cgonzal.vvv_single_ks_sorted;                                     QUERY PLAN
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seq Scan on vvv_single_ks_sorted
(cost=0.00..968967342.13 rows=43362626913 
(1 row)

wsdb=# \d cgonzal.vvv_single_ks_sorted Table "cgonzal.vvv_single_ks_sorted"Column  |       Type       | Modifiers 
---------+------------------+-----------objid   | bigint           | ra      | double precision | dec     | double
precision| x       | real             | y       | real             | chip    | integer          | mag     | real
    | e_mag   | real             | class   | integer          | frameid | bigint           | zp      | double precision
|obj_id  | bigint           | 


Here is the gdb full stacktrace:
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x0000000000914cf8 in tuplesort_heap_siftup (state=0x23503f8,
checkIndex=1 '\001') at tuplesort.c:3014       j = -1879048193       memtuples = 0x7fb283aa1048       tuple =
0x7fba03aa0fd0      i = 1207959551       n = 1342177275
#1  0x000000000091430a in dumptuples (state=0x23503f8, alltuples=0 '\000')
at tuplesort.c:2648       __func__ = "dumptuples"
#2  0x00000000009120a3 in puttuple_common (state=0x23503f8,
tuple=0x7ffe420fefc0) at tuplesort.c:1468       __func__ = "puttuple_common"
#3  0x0000000000911d85 in tuplesort_putindextuplevalues (state=0x23503f8,
rel=0x7fd040f3b8e0, self=0x234ba34, values=0x7ffe420ff360,    isnull=0x7ffe420ff340 "") at tuplesort.c:1321
oldcontext= 0x23340b8       stup = {tuple = 0x7fbf040f6ae8, datum1 = 4710889527840951089, 
isnull1 = 0 '\000', tupindex = 0}       original = 4710889527840951089       tuple = 0x7fbf040f6ae8
#4  0x00000000004d26dd in _bt_spool (btspool=0x234cba0, self=0x234ba34,
values=0x7ffe420ff360, isnull=0x7ffe420ff340 "") at nbtsort.c:192
No locals.
#5  0x00000000004cba67 in btbuildCallback (index=0x7fd040f3b8e0,
htup=0x234ba30, values=0x7ffe420ff360, isnull=0x7ffe420ff340 "",    tupleIsAlive=1 '\001', state=0x7ffe420ff550) at
nbtree.c:179      buildstate = 0x7ffe420ff550
#6  0x0000000000525d8e in IndexBuildHeapRangeScan
(heapRelation=0x7fd040f32f78, indexRelation=0x7fd040f3b8e0,
indexInfo=0x2348308,    allow_sync=1 '\001', anyvisible=0 '\000', start_blockno=0,
numblocks=4294967295, callback=0x4cba0a <btbuildCallback>,    callback_state=0x7ffe420ff550) at index.c:2591
tupleIsAlive= 1 '\001'       is_system_catalog = 0 '\000'       checking_uniqueness = 0 '\000'       scan = 0x234b9e8
   heapTuple = 0x234ba30       values = {4710889527840951089, 9472000, 36863416, 1089733344, 
140730006762416, 9195433, 140730006762448, 140532419658520, 140730006762528,
         140532419658464, 140730006762448, 9261444, 1976, 140532419658520,
4999282, 128, 36962306, 17179869199, 140730006762544, 9473335, 37029384,          37020152, 18288211008, 9498080,
140730006762592, 9478487, 140730006762624, 37029384, 64, 37020152}       isnull =
reltuples= 1342177279       predicate = 0x0       slot = 0x2348e08       estate = 0x2358448
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---       econtext = 0x2358558       snapshot = 0xd366e0
OldestXmin= 1148880660       root_blkno = 16570089       root_offsets = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,          34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
43,44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 
50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68,
         69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 0 <repeats 210
times>}       __func__ = "IndexBuildHeapRangeScan"
#7  0x0000000000525556 in IndexBuildHeapScan (heapRelation=0x7fd040f32f78,
indexRelation=0x7fd040f3b8e0, indexInfo=0x2348308, allow_sync=1 '\001',    callback=0x4cba0a <btbuildCallback>,
No locals.
#8  0x00000000004cb979 in btbuild (fcinfo=0x7ffe420ff5d0) at nbtree.c:121       heap = 0x7fd040f32f78       index =
0x7fd040f3b8e0      indexInfo = 0x2348308       result = 0x234be28       reltuples = 6.9529861680561111e-310
buildstate= {isUnique = 0 '\000', haveDead = 0 '\000', heapRel = 
0x7fd040f32f78, spool = 0x234cba0, spool2 = 0x0, indtuples = 1342177278}       __func__ = "btbuild"
#9  0x00000000008e8a13 in OidFunctionCall3Coll (functionId=338, collation=0,
arg1=140532419604344, arg2=140532419639520, arg3=36995848) at fmgr.c:1649       flinfo = {fn_addr = 0x4cb854 <btbuild>,
fn_oid= 338, fn_nargs = 3, 
fn_strict = 1 '\001', fn_retset = 0 '\000', fn_stats = 2 '\002',          fn_extra = 0x0, fn_mcxt = 0x23340b8, fn_expr
=0x0}      fcinfo = {flinfo = 0x7ffe420ff980, context = 0x0, resultinfo = 0x0, 
fncollation = 0, isnull = 0 '\000', nargs = 3, arg = {140532419604344,            140532419639520, 36995848,
140532419656080,68756505104, 128, 
13, 17179869199, 140730006763184, 9472170, 128, 36023424, 140730006763152,
           17189342519, 140532419627520, 36913336, 36023424, 37017440,
37017424, 36913336, 140730006763200, 512, 1108342496, 25769803839,            140730006763248, 9473335,
26878146304, 6912158, 140532419653928, 36023424, 140730006763296, 9478487,
           140730006763296, 140532419653944, 0, 36023424, 140730006763328,
9230214, 672953898141726960, 140532419653944, 140730006763792, 9231509,            10999411261461, 140532419639520,
70458938492543,156684292, 0, 
18446744069414584320, 65536, 0, 140532419654472, 140532419654744,            672953910093598724, 16405, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0,0, 0, 0, 0, 
140532419656112, 140532419656056, 140532419657096, 37019880, 37027816,
37028344,            37028368, 37028392, 37028416, 37028584, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
37028560, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36491160, 0, 0, 0, 13854912, 140532419640320,
8626848200,            36633224, 8589934592, 140730006763808, 6798261,
672953909936914436, 13854912},          argnull =

'\000' <repeats 13 times>, "hD\224\000\000\000\000\000p<\224\000\000\
000\000\000\331\a\000\000\016\000\000\000\260\371\017B"}       result = 42949672962       __func__ =
#10 0x00000000005252a3 in index_build (heapRelation=0x7fd040f32f78,
indexRelation=0x7fd040f3b8e0, indexInfo=0x2348308, isprimary=0 '\000', 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---   isreindex=0 '\000') at index.c:2025       procedure = 338
stats = 0x234cfec       save_userid = 10       save_sec_context = 0       save_nestlevel = 2       __func__ =
#11 0x0000000000523f98 in index_create (heapRelation=0x7fd040f32f78,
indexRelationName=0x234b8e8 "vvv_single_ks_sorted_q3c_ang2ipix_idx",    indexRelationId=156684292, relFileNode=0,
indexColNames=0x234b638, accessMethodObjectId=403, tableSpaceId=0,    collationObjectId=0x234bdf8,
coloptions=0x234be28, reloptions=0, isprimary=0 '\000', isconstraint=0
'\000',    deferrable=0 '\000', initdeferred=0 '\000', allow_system_table_mods=0
'\000', skip_build=0 '\000', concurrent=0 '\000', is_internal=0 '\000',    if_not_exists=0 '\000') at index.c:1100
heapRelationId = 156673270       pg_class = 0x7fd040f81208       indexRelation = 0x7fd040f3b8e0       indexTupDesc =
0x23486c8      shared_relation = 0 '\000'       mapped_relation = 0 '\000'       is_exclusion = 0 '\000'
                                                                                            [120/270]       namespaceId
=16842       i = 1       relpersistence = 112 'p'       __func__ = "index_create"
#12 0x00000000005e9d27 in DefineIndex (relationId=156673270, stmt=0x23485f8,
indexRelationId=0, is_alter_table=0 '\000', check_rights=1 '\001',    skip_build=0 '\000', quiet=0 '\000') at
indexcmds.c:607      indexRelationName = 0x234b8e8 
"vvv_single_ks_sorted_q3c_ang2ipix_idx"       accessMethodName = 0x2348930 "btree"       typeObjectId = 0x234b780
collationObjectId= 0x234bdf8       classObjectId = 0x234be10       accessMethodId = 403       namespaceId = 16842
tablespaceId= 0       indexColNames = 0x234b638       rel = 0x7fd040f32f78       indexRelation = 0x23340b8       tuple
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---       accessMethodForm = 0x7fd040f39ba8       amcanorder = 1
'\001'      amoptions = 2785       reloptions = 0       coloptions = 0x234be28       indexInfo = 0x2348308
numberOfAttributes= 1       limitXmin = 0       old_snapshots = 0x7fd040f32f78       address = {classId = 36997560,
objectId= 0, objectSubId = 
36995848}       n_old_snapshots = 0       heaprelid = {relId = 1108343952, dbId = 32766}       heaplocktag =
{locktag_field1= 4657712, locktag_field2 = 0, 
locktag_field3 = 1108347536, locktag_field4 = 32766, locktag_type = 0
'\000',          locktag_lockmethodid = 0 '\000'}       lockmode = 5       snapshot = 0x2348308       i = 0
__func__= "DefineIndex"
#13 0x00000000007ab5ec in ProcessUtilitySlow (parsetree=0x230c138,    queryString=0x230b268 "create index on
(q3c_ang2ipix(ra,dec));", context=PROCESS_UTILITY_TOPLEVEL, params=0x0,    dest=0x230c4d8, completionTag=0x7ffe42100420
"")at utility.c:1259       stmt = 0x23485f8       relid = 156673270       lockmode = 5       save_exception_stack =
0x7ffe421002e0      save_context_stack = 0x0       local_sigjmp_buf = {{__jmpbuf = {0, 8080871256505359237, 4657712, 
140730006768272, 0, 0, 8080871325866564485, -8081285932728411259},            __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask =
{__val= {64, 36632424, 
140730006765464, 140730006765472, 13829056, 8192, 36973152, 4657712, 5,                140730006765328, 9476353, 64, 0,
64}}}}       isTopLevel = 1 '\001'       isCompleteQuery = 1 '\001'       needCleanup = 0 '\000'       commandCollected
=0 '\000'       address = {classId = 0, objectId = 0, objectSubId = 13829056}       secondaryObject = {classId = 0,
objectId= 0, objectSubId = 0}       __func__ = "ProcessUtilitySlow"
#14 0x00000000007aaa16 in standard_ProcessUtility (parsetree=0x230c138, 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---   queryString=0x230b268 "create index on
(q3c_ang2ipix(ra,dec));", context=PROCESS_UTILITY_TOPLEVEL, params=0x0,    dest=0x230c4d8, completionTag=0x7ffe42100420
"")at utility.c:892       isTopLevel = 1 '\001'       __func__ = "standard_ProcessUtility"
#15 0x00000000007a9beb in ProcessUtility (parsetree=0x230c138,    queryString=0x230b268 "create index on
(q3c_ang2ipix(ra,dec));", context=PROCESS_UTILITY_TOPLEVEL, params=0x0,    dest=0x230c4d8, completionTag=0x7ffe42100420
"")at utility.c:334
No locals.
#16 0x00000000007a8e07 in PortalRunUtility (portal=0x2278798,
utilityStmt=0x230c138, isTopLevel=1 '\001', dest=0x230c4d8,    completionTag=0x7ffe42100420 "") at pquery.c:1183
active_snapshot_set= 1 '\001'       __func__ = "PortalRunUtility"
#17 0x00000000007a8fae in PortalRunMulti (portal=0x2278798, isTopLevel=1
'\001', dest=0x230c4d8, altdest=0x230c4d8,
completionTag=0x7ffe4210042[50/270]   at pquery.c:1314       stmt = 0x230c138       active_snapshot_set = 0 '\000'
stmtlist_item = 0x230c488
#18 0x00000000007a85c2 in PortalRun (portal=0x2278798,
count=9223372036854775807, isTopLevel=1 '\001', dest=0x230c4d8,
altdest=0x230c4d8,    completionTag=0x7ffe42100420 "") at pquery.c:812       save_exception_stack = 0x7ffe42100560
save_context_stack = 0x0       local_sigjmp_buf = {{__jmpbuf = {0, 8080871256352267141, 4657712, 
140730006768272, 0, 0, 8080871256442444677, -8081285932000961659},            __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask =
{__val= {3432, 9356099, 
36745776, 13, 0, 140730006766512, 9477730, 36624768, 88, 0, 36750640, 88,                9359107, 36750552, 36750640,
0}}}}      result = 0 '\000'       nprocessed = 32766       saveTopTransactionResourceOwner = 0x22ef878
saveTopTransactionContext= 0x22ef768       saveActivePortal = 0x0       saveResourceOwner = 0x22ef878
savePortalContext= 0x0       saveMemoryContext = 0x22ef768       __func__ = "PortalRun"
#19 0x00000000007a2ac3 in exec_simple_query (query_string=0x230b268 "create
index on cgonzal.vvv_single_ks_sorted (q3c_ang2ipix(ra,dec));")
[29/270]   at postgres.c:1104       parsetree = 0x230c138       portal = 0x2278798
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---       snapshot_set = 0 '\000'       commandTag = 0xa4fc46
"CREATEINDEX"       completionTag = 
77\000\000\252i\217\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\002\000\000\000J\000\000\000\000\000\000"       querytree_list
=0x230c458       plantree_list = 0x230c4a8       receiver = 0x230c4d8       format = 0       dest = DestRemote
oldcontext= 0x22ef768       parsetree_list = 0x230c1e8       parsetree_item = 0x230c1c8       save_log_statement_stats
=0 '\000'       was_logged = 0 '\000'       isTopLevel = 1 '\001'       msec_str = 
__func__ = "exec_simple_query"
#20 0x00000000007a69b2 in PostgresMain (argc=1, argv=0x225a220,
dbname=0x225a0d8 "wsdb", username=0x225a0b8 "postgres") at postgres.c:4051       query_string = 0x230b268 "create index
cgonzal.vvv_single_ks_sorted (q3c_ang2ipix(ra,dec));"       firstchar = 81       input_message = {data = 0x230b268
"createindex on 
cgonzal.vvv_single_ks_sorted (q3c_ang2ipix(ra,dec));", len = 69, maxlen =
1024,          cursor = 69}       local_sigjmp_buf = {{__jmpbuf = {0, 8080871256293546885, 4657712,
140730006768272, 0, 0, 8080871256322907013, -8081285930984760443},            __mask_was_saved = 1, __saved_mask =
{__val= {0, 36017624, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 1024, 0, 30064771199, 140730006767152, 9473335, 36150008,                36017624, 30064771088, 36150008,
36149992}}}}      send_ready_for_query = 0 '\000'       __func__ = "PostgresMain"
#21 0x0000000000732973 in BackendRun (port=0x22a3050) at postmaster.c:4255       av = 0x225a220       maxac = 2
ac= 1       secs = 552065929       usecs = 554900       i = 1       __func__ = "BackendRun"
#22 0x0000000000732106 in BackendStartup (port=0x22a3050) at
postmaster.c:3929       bn = 0x22a3230
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---       pid = 0       __func__ = "BackendStartup"
#23 0x000000000072ea84 in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1699       port = 0x22a3050       i = 4       rmask = {fds_bits
={128, 0 <repeats 15 times>}}       selres = 1       now = 1498750719       readmask = {fds_bits = {248, 0 <repeats 15
times>}}      nSockets = 8       last_lockfile_recheck_time = 1498750679       last_touch_time = 1498750679
__func__= "ServerLoop"
#24 0x000000000072e100 in PostmasterMain (argc=3, argv=0x2259310) at
postmaster.c:1307       opt = -1       status = 0       userDoption = 0x227ad40 "/mnt/bigdata/pgdata9.5"
listen_addr_saved= 1 '\001'       i = 64       output_config_variable = 0x0       __func__ = "PostmasterMain"
#25 0x000000000068ecda in main (argc=3, argv=0x2259310) at main.c:228       do_check_root = 1 '\001'


From a quick look of the code it looks to me that the reason for the bug is
the 32 bit int overflow in the j=2*i+1 calculation inside the
tuplesort_heap_siftup leading to negative values of j. 

Regards,         Sergey Koposov

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От: Merlin Moncure
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От: Peter Geoghegan
Сообщение: Re: [BUGS] BUG #14722: Segfault in tuplesort_heap_siftup, 32 bit overflow