role self-revocation

От Robert Haas
Тема role self-revocation
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Ответ на Re: CREATEROLE and role ownership hierarchies  (Stephen Frost <>)
Ответы Re: role self-revocation
Re: role self-revocation
Список pgsql-hackers
On Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 2:09 PM Stephen Frost <> wrote:
> The ability of a role to revoke itself from some other role is just
> something we need to accept as being a change that needs to be made, and
> I do believe that such a change is supported by the standard, in that a
> REVOKE will only work if you have the right to make it as the user who
> performed the GRANT in the first place.

Moving this part of the discussion to a new thread to reduce confusion
and hopefully get broader input on this topic. It seems like Stephen
and I agree in principle that some change here is a good idea. If
anyone else thinks it's a bad idea, then this would be a great time to
mention that, ideally with reasons. If you agree that it's a good
idea, then it would be great to have your views on the follow-up
questions which I shall pose below. To the extent that it is
reasonably possible to do so, I would like to try to keep focused on
specific design questions rather than getting tangled up in general
discussion of long-term direction. First, a quick overview of the
issue for those who have not followed the earlier threads in their
grueling entirety:

rhaas=# create user boss;
rhaas=# create user peon;
rhaas=# grant peon to boss;
rhaas=# \c - peon
You are now connected to database "rhaas" as user "peon".
rhaas=> revoke peon from boss; -- i don't like being bossed around!

I argue (and Stephen seems to agree) that the peon shouldn't be able
to undo the superuser's GRANT. Furthermore, we also seem to agree that
you don't necessarily have to be the exact user who performed the
grant. For example, it would be shocking if one superuser couldn't
remove a grant made by another superuser, or for that matter if a
superuser couldn't remove a grant made by a non-superuser. But there
are a few open questions in my mind:

1. What should be the exact rule for whether A can remove a grant made
by B? Is it has_privs_of_role()? is_member_of_role()? Something else?

2. What happens if the same GRANT is enacted by multiple users? For
example, suppose peon does "GRANT peon to boss" and then the superuser
does the same thing afterwards, or vice versa? One design would be to
try to track those as two separate grants, but I'm not sure if we want
to add that much complexity, since that's not how we do it now and it
would, for example, implicate the choice of PK on the pg_auth_members
table. An idea that occurs to me is to say that the first GRANT works
and becomes the grantor of record, and any duplicate GRANT that
happens later issues a NOTICE without changing anything. If the user
performing the later GRANT has sufficient privileges and wishes to do
so, s/he can REVOKE first and then re-GRANT. On the other hand, for
other types of grants, like table privileges, we do track multiple
grants by different users, so maybe we should do the same thing here:

rhaas=# create table example (a int, b int);
rhaas=# grant select on table example to foo with grant option;
rhaas=# grant select on table example to bar with grant option;
rhaas=# \c - foo
You are now connected to database "rhaas" as user "foo".
rhaas=> grant select on table example to exemplar;
rhaas=> \c - bar
You are now connected to database "rhaas" as user "bar".
rhaas=> grant select on table example to exemplar;
rhaas=> select relacl from pg_class where relname = 'example';
(1 row)

3. What happens if a user is dropped after being recorded as a
grantor? We actually have a grantor column in pg_auth_members today,
but it's not properly maintained. If the grantor is dropped the OID
remains in the table, and could eventually end up pointing to some
other user if the OID counter wraps around and a new role is created
with the same OID. That's completely unacceptable for something we
want to use for any serious purpose. I suggest that what ought to
happen is the role should acquire a dependency on the grant, such that
DROP fails and the GRANT is listed as something to be dropped, and
DROP OWNED BY drops the GRANT. I think this would require adding an
OID column to pg_auth_members so that a dependency can point to it,
which sounds like a significant infrastructure change that would need
to be carefully validated for adverse side effects, but not a huge
crazy problem that we can't get past.

4. Should we apply this rule to other types of grants, rather than
just to role membership? Why or why not? Consider this:

rhaas=# create user accountant;
rhaas=# create user auditor;
rhaas=# create table money (a int, b text);
rhaas=# alter table money owner to accountant;
rhaas=# grant select on table money to auditor;
rhaas=# \c - accountant
You are now connected to database "rhaas" as user "accountant".
rhaas=> revoke select on table money from auditor;

I would argue that's exactly the same problem. The superuser has
decreed that the auditor gets to select from the money table owned by
the accountant. The fact that the accountant may not be not in favor
of the auditor seeing what the accountant is doing with the money is
precisely the reason why we have auditors. That said, if we apply this
to all object types, it's a much bigger change. Unlike role
membership, we do record dependencies on table privileges, which makes
any change here a bit simpler, and you can't drop a role without
removing the associated grants first. However, when the superuser
performs the GRANT as in the above example, the grantor is recorded as
the table owner, not the superuser! So if we really want role
membersip and other kinds of grants to behave in the same way, we have
our work cut out for us here.

Please note that it is not really my intention to try to shove
anything into v15 here. If it so happens that we quickly agree on
something that already exists in the patches Mark's already written,
and we also agree that those patches are in good enough shape that we
can commit something in the next few weeks, fantastic, but I'm not
necessarily expecting that. What I do want to do is agree on a plan so
that, if somebody does the work to implement said plan, we do not then
end up relitigating the whole thing and coming to a different
conclusion the second time. This being a community whose membership
varies from time to time and the opinions of whose members vary from
time to time, such misadventure can never be entirely ruled out.
However, I would like to minimize the chances of such an outcome as
much as we can.


Robert Haas

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