Inaccurate results from numeric ln(), log(), exp() and pow()

От Dean Rasheed
Тема Inaccurate results from numeric ln(), log(), exp() and pow()
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Re: Inaccurate results from numeric ln(), log(), exp() and pow()
Список pgsql-hackers

I recently noticed that numeric log() produces inaccurate results for
certain ranges of inputs. This isn't just small errors in the last 1
or 2 digits, but sometimes quite large errors, with over half the
significant digits returned being incorrect.

The initial issue was a block of code to estimate the weight of the
logarithm, repeated in 3 different places, and called from ln(), log()
and pow(). After coming up with a fix for that, however, testing
revealed a whole range of additional issues causing further
inaccuracies in those functions and also in exp().

In some cases numeric pow() and exp() have even larger errors than
their floating point counterparts, and for some inputs the errors in
numeric pow() grow to the point where they trigger a division-by-zero
error when there is actually a perfectly well-defined answer.

The full details are listed below, and a WIP patch is attached. It
might well be sensible to break this patch up, but for now it was
easier to test with all the fixes in one place. Most of the patch is
actually test cases.

One question this does raise though is just how accurate do we expect
these functions to be? I've taken the view that, however many digits
they decide to return, they all ought to be correct (or as close as we
can reasonably get). For most "everyday" sized numbers, that makes
sense, but there are extreme cases where it might be considered over
the top, such as when the magnitude of the result is much larger than
the inputs.

With my patch, I get correctly rounded results exact to the full
precision returned in all the cases that I tested [1]. For "everyday"
sized numbers, performance is also around the same, and in a few cases
I tested it was 3 or 4 times faster, where I've hacked code that was
obviously inefficient as well as inaccurate. However, in the most
extreme cases, the patch does make these functions considerably

For example, exp() works for inputs up to 6000. However, if you
compute exp(5999.999) the answer is truly huge -- probably only of
academic interest to anyone. With HEAD, exp(5999.999) produces a
number with 2609 significant digits in just 1.5ms (on my ageing
desktop box). However, only the first 9 digits returned are correct.
The other 2600 digits are pure noise. With my patch, all 2609 digits
are correct (confirmed using bc), but it takes 27ms to compute, making
it 18x slower.

AFAICT, this kind of slowdown only happens in cases like this where a
very large number of digits are being returned. It's not obvious what
we should be doing in cases like this. Is a performance reduction like
that acceptable to generate the correct answer? Or should we try to
produce a more approximate result more quickly, and where do we draw
the line?



[1] NOTE: I don't claim that this patch always generates correct
answers with correct rounding down to the last digit. To guarantee
that, you'd have to do a lot more work -- accurately tracking the
sizes of errors throughout the computations, testing whether the
computed result *can* actually be rounded accurately (uniquely) to the
required precision, and if necessary re-computing the whole thing to a
higher internal precision to get correct rounding (c.f., the code in
the MPFR library).

What the patch does try to do is generate correctly rounded answers
*most of the time*. There will be cases (though I haven't managed to
find any) where the result is slightly off, but I expect this to just
be a +/-1 error in the final digit, since the bounds of the errors in
the calculations are fairly well understood, barring further bugs of

Here are the issues that I identified:

Logarithms with inputs close to 1


select log(1.00000001);
 0.0000000043429447973177943261 <-- Correct answer

The last 4 digits indicated are incorrect, although if its choice of
precision were consistent with other numeric functions, it would only
return the first 16 significant digits, which are actually correct.

For other values closer to 1, not even the first 16 significant digits
are correct. For example:

select log(1.000000000003);
 0.00000000000130288344570780115778 <-- Correct answer

although again it should probably only return the first 16 significant
digits in this case.

Similarly, if the base is close to 1, so that internally it divides by
a number close to zero, the result loses accuracy. For example:

select log(1.000000000003, 123456789012345);
 10815637441426.985668897718893 <-- Correct answer

i.e., more than half the digits returned are incorrect.

There are 2 separate issues in log_var():

Firstly the computation of the rscale for the ln() calculations
doesn't consider the case where the input is close to 1, for which the
result will be very small (large negative weight). So the rscale used
is too small to accurately represent the intermediate ln() results.
For the same reason, the numeric ln() function produces low precision
results (not respecting NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS = 16) for such inputs,
for example:

select ln(1.000000000003);

which is technically correct, but if NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS were
respected, it would produce


Secondly, it is wrong to use the same rscale for both ln()
computations, since their results may have completely different
weights, and so the number of significant digits in each intermediate
ln() result may be completely different. For this kind of computation
where two intermediate results are being multiplied or divided, the
number of significant digits kept in each number should be
approximately the same, since the accuracy of the final result is
limited to the minimum of the number of significant digits in the two
intermediate results (relative errors are additive under
multiplication and division). That can be seen with a bit of simple
maths [2].

So ideally each intermediate result should have the same number of
significant digits, which should be a little larger than the number of
significant digits required in the final result.

The patch adds a new function estimate_ln_weight() to better estimate
the weight of ln(x), which is needed in a few places. Using this
function, it is possible to work out the required rscale of the final
log() result, and how many significant digits it will contain. From
that it is then possible to estimate the required rscales of the two
intermediate ln() results, which will in general be different from one

This produces correctly rounded results for all the examples above,
and also makes the result precision more consistent with

pow() with non-integer exponents

For non-integer exponents, power_var() uses ln() and has an almost
identical block of code to estimate the ln() weight. However, simply
replacing that code block with the new ln() weight estimating function
is insufficient. An additional problem is that there is no easy way to
estimate the weight of the final answer, and hence what local rscale
to use. The old code just arbitrarily doubled the rscale in the hope
that that would be enough, but in fact that is over the top in some
cases and nowhere near sufficient in others.

The patch estimates the result weight by first computing a few digits
of the intermediate ln() result and multiplying by the exponent. From
that it is possible to work out how many significant digits are
actually needed for the full-precision ln(). In some cases this
reduces the local rscale, and in others it increases it.

For example:

select 32.1 ^ 9.8;
 580429286790711.10 <-- Correct answer

The first 10 digits are correct and the last 7 are incorrect. For
comparison, floating point arithmetic produces 14 correct digits, with
an error of just 2 in the final digit:

select 32.1::float8 ^ 9.8::float8;

However, in this case all the inaccuracy of the numeric pow() result
is due to flaws in numeric exp() described below, and the intermediate
result is actually correct. In this case the patch causes a lower
local rscale to be used to compute the intermediate result, and still
produces an accurate value for it.

With larger inputs, however, it is necessary to increase the local
rscale to calculate ln_num accurately. For example:

select 12.3 ^ 45.6;
 50081010321492803393171165777624533697036806969694.9 <-- Correct answer

The first 9 digits are correct and the last 42 are incorrect. Again,
floating point arithmetic produces a more accurate result:

select 12.3::float8 ^ 45.6::float8;

In this case the patch increases the local rscale used to compute the logarithm.

pow() with integer exponents

For integer exponents, power_var() goes through power_var_int() which
uses repeated multiplication rather than ln() and exp(). This suffers
from a similar problem - all the multiplications are done using the
same local rscale, despite the fact that the weight of the numbers
(and hence the number of significant digits) changes rapidly as the
result is calculated, and thus accuracy is lost. For example:

select 3.789 ^ 21;
 1409343026052.8716016316022141 <-- Correct answer

The first 25 digits are correct and the last 4 are incorrect.
Increasing the exponent amplifies this inaccuracy:

select 3.789 ^ 35;
 177158169650516670809.3820586142670135 <-- Correct answer

select 1.2 ^ 345;
 2077446682327378559843444695.5827049735727869 <-- Correct answer

With negative exponents power_var_int() takes the reciprocal of the
result of all the multiplications. If the magnitude of the input
number is less than 1, the successive multiplications cause it to
become smaller and smaller, with more and more precision lost as the
intermediate results are rounded to the local rscale, so the end
result is even more inaccurate. For example:

select 0.12 ^ (-20);
 2608405330458882702.5529619561355838 <-- Correct answer

Pushing this example a bit further, the numeric computation fails
completely when the exponent is large enough to make the intermediate
result zero:

select 0.12 ^ (-25);
ERROR:  division by zero

The patch works by first producing an estimate for the weight (and
hence the number of significant digits) of the final result. Then each
multiplication is done with a local rscale sufficient to give each
intermediate result the appropriate number of significant digits
(greater than the number in the final result). Thus the local rscale
increases or decreases as the calculation proceeds, depending on
whether the magnitude of the input base is less than or greater than

Since relative errors are additive under multiplication, the relative
error of this calculation may grow proportionally with the exponent,
which means the number of extra significant digits required in the
intermediate multiplications grows with the exponent roughly as

Exponential function

For inputs larger than 1, exp() uses power_var_int() for the integer
part of the input, and so suffers from a similar loss of accuracy:

select exp(32.999);
 214429043492155.053 <-- Correct answer

The first 11 digits are correct and the last 7 are incorrect. For
comparison, floating point arithmetic produces 14 correct digits, with
an error of just 1 in the final digit:

select exp(32.999::float8);

The fix above to power_var_int() fixes this example, however, by
itself it is not sufficient to fix all the issues with exp(). For

select exp(123.456);
 413294435277809344957685441227343146614594393746575438.725 <-- Correct answer

With the fix to power_var_int() the result becomes slightly more accurate:

select exp(123.456);

but the majority of the result digits are still incorrect. The reason
is essentially the same -- exp_var() in this example computes
exp(0.456), then computes exp(1) and raises it to the power of 123 to
give exp(123), and then multiplies them together to give the final
result. However, this is all done using the same local rscale, despite
the fact that each intermediate result has a completely different
weight. So in this case, the calculation of exp(0.456) produces the
smallest number of significant digits, which then restricts the
overall accuracy of the result.

To fix the above algorithm, both exp(1) and exp(0.456) would have to
be computed using much larger rscales, as would the code to raise
exp(1) to the power of 123. However, a much simpler, more efficient
and more accurate method is to replace exp_var() and
exp_var_internal() with a single function that works for all inputs
using a single Taylor series expansion, rather than doing separate
calculations for the integer and fractional parts of the input.

More specifically, first divide the input by an appropriate power of 2
to reduce it to a size for which the Taylor series converges
relatively quickly. Given that the input is at most 6000, and the
current choice of input range reduction reduces it to be less than
0.01, an equivalent single-step input range reduction would involve
dividing by 2^n where n is at most 20.

Then the Taylor series can be used to compute exp(x/2^n), and the
final result computed by raising that to the power of 2^n by squaring
n times. As above, each step needs to be done using a different local
rscale based on an estimate for the weight of the final result, and
the requested rscale.

In addition the Taylor series computation in exp_var_internal() is
particularly naive. The n'th term of the series is x^n/n!, but it
isn't actually necessary to compute values for x^n or n! (which gets
large very quickly). Instead, simply note that the n'th term of the
series is equal to x/n times the previous term.

Finally, for negative exponents, exp_var() first computes exp(Abs(x)),
then takes the reciprocal of the result. This is a waste of time,
particularly when Abs(x) is very large. Instead, just run the
algorithm above, which works perfectly fine regardless of the sign of

Bug in mul_var() input truncation

Testing pow() with very large inputs reveals a bug in mul_var(), for
example in the final squaring in the computation of 1.234 ^ 8192. The
problem is with the input-truncation code:

     * Determine number of result digits to compute.  If the exact result
     * would have more than rscale fractional digits, truncate the computation
     * with MUL_GUARD_DIGITS guard digits.  We do that by pretending that one
     * or both inputs have fewer digits than they really do.

the code that follows appears to be completely bogus.

Firstly the input-truncation code inside the "res_ndigits > maxdigits"
block makes no sense at all, and it doesn't seem like it would ever be
safe to discard that many digits from the input numbers. A quick
back-of-the-envelope sketch, using a parallelogram to represent the
product, suggests that it ought to be something more like

    var1ndigits = Min(var1ndigits, maxdigits)
    var2ndigits = Min(var2ndigits, maxdigits)

That doesn't kick in until number of digits required (maxdigits) is
smaller than the number of digits in either of the inputs (not when
it's smaller than the number of digits in the result).

Secondly the computation of maxdigits is incorrect:

  maxdigits = res_weight + 1 + (rscale * DEC_DIGITS) + MUL_GUARD_DIGITS;

rscale is in decimal digits, and the other variables are all in units
of DEC_DIGITS digits, so it ought to be dividing by DEC_DIGITS, not
multiplying by it. This has the effect of overestimating the value of
maxdigits, reducing the chances of the truncation code kicking in,
which explains why this hasn't been seen before.

However, the new code in the patch now routinely calls mul_var() with
a requested rscale smaller than the input number scales (in order to
return the same number of significant digits), and so unlike the
pre-existing code it can trip over the bogus input-truncation code.

The patch completely removes this input-truncation code, partly
because I'm not entirely confident in the "back-of-the-envelope
sketch" above, and partly because it's unlikely that truncating the
inputs will be possible very often with the new code anyway. The new
code typically involves multiplying 2 numbers that each have the same
number of significant digits, and rounding the result to that same
number of significant digits, in which case truncation isn't possible.

Logarithms with inputs close to 0

For very small or very large inputs ln_var() reduces the range of the
input to 0.9 < x < 1.1 by repeatedly calling sqrt(). Besides being
inefficient, this produces further inaccuracies for very small inputs
(large scales). For example:

select log(1e-99);

Obviously the result should be exactly -99, so the last 33 digits are
incorrect. Similarly:

select ln(1e-99);

The correct answer to that precision is


so the last 40 digits are incorrect.

The patch solves this by first reducing the weight of the input number
by multiplying or dividing by a power of 10, and then adding a
matching multiple of log(10) to the final result. This reduces the
number of sqrt()'s needed, preventing this loss of accuracy.

An alternate method of reducing the input range, instead of repeated
use of sqrt(), is to find an approximate value for the ln() result
(e.g, by using floating point arithmetic) and divide by its exp(). The
result is then much closer to 1, which improves the convergence rate
of the Taylor series. However, it doesn't seem like a good idea to
make ln() dependent on exp().


[2] A repeated theme in this patch is that rounding errors from
multiplying or dividing intermediate results should be minimised by
computing the intermediate results to the same number of significant
digits, not to the same rscale.

For example, consider the computation of

  result = log(base, num)

which is done as follows:

  x = ln(num)
  y = ln(base)

  result = x / y

In general, x and y cannot be represented exactly, so what is actually
computed is x' and y' -- approximations to x and y, rounded to a
certain precision. This rounding will introduce small errors that can
be written as follows:

  x' = x * (1 + dx)
  y' = y * (1 + dy)

where dx and dy are the relative errors in x' and y'. So, for example,
if x' has 20 significant digits, dx would be of order 10^-20. Note
that dx and dy may be positive or negative, but their magnitudes
should be much less than 1, depending on the number of significant
digits kept in x' and y'.

The result is computed by dividing x' by y', giving an approximation
to the exact result:

  result' = x' / y'
          = x * (1 + dx) / y / (1 + dy)
          = x / y * (1 + dx) * (1 - dy + O(dy^2))

Since the magnitudes of dx and dy are much smaller than 1, higher
order factors can be neglected, giving the following approximation to
the overall result:

  result' = result * (1 + dx - dy)

so in the worst case the relative error in the final result is

  max_error = Abs(dx) + Abs(dy)

which is dominated by whichever intermediate relative error is larger
in magnitude. For example, if x' had 20 significant digits and y' had
9, dx would have a magnitude of order 10^-20, and dy would have a
magnitude of order 10^-9, and the worst-case relative error in the
final result would have a magnitude of order 10^-9, the same as dy.
Computing x' to more significant digits, without increasing the
precision of y', would have no effect on the overall accuracy of the
result, and is just a waste of effort.

Thus the optimum strategy is to compute x' and y' to the same number
of significant digits (slightly larger than the number of significant
digits required in the final result). This requires having reasonable
estimates for the weights of x and y, and the final result.

The same applies to calculations involving multiplying intermediate
results. Similarly when computing x^n using n multiplications, the
worst-case relative error in the result is around n*Abs(dx).


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