64-bit hashjoins

От Erik Riedel
Тема 64-bit hashjoins
Msg-id Uqy6V2G00gNtImTMwA@andrew.cmu.edu
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Ответы Re: [HACKERS] 64-bit hashjoins
Re: [HACKERS] 64-bit hashjoins
Список pgsql-hackers
Platform:  Alpha, Digital UNIX 4.0D 
Software:  PostgreSQL 6.5 snaphot (11 March 1999)

I have two tables as follows:

Table    = orderfoo
|              Field      |              Type          | Length|
| o_orderkey              | int4 not null              |     4 |
| o_custkey               | int4 not null              |     4 |
| o_orderstatus           | char() not null            |     1 |
| o_totalprice            | float8 not null            |     8 |
| o_orderdate             | date                       |     4 |
| o_orderpriority         | char() not null            |    15 |
| o_clerk                 | char() not null            |    15 |
| o_shippriority          | int4 not null              |     4 |
| o_comment               | char() not null            |    79 |
Index:    orderfoo_index_

Table    = customer
|              Field      |              Type          | Length|
| c_custkey               | int4 not null              |     4 |
| c_name                  | char() not null            |    25 |
| c_address               | char() not null            |    40 |
| c_nationkey             | int4 not null              |     4 |
| c_phone                 | char() not null            |    15 |
| c_acctbal               | float8 not null            |     8 |
| c_mktsegment            | char() not null            |    10 |
| c_comment               | char() not null            |   117 |
Index:    customer_index_

and a query:

-- Query 3
select l_orderkey, sum(l_extendedprice*(1-l_discount)) as revenue,
o_orderdate, o_shippriority
from customer, orderfoo, lineitem
where c_mktsegment = 'BUILDING'
and c_custkey = o_custkey
and l_orderkey = o_orderkey
and o_orderdate < '1995-03-15'
and l_shipdate > '1995-03-15'
group by l_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_shippriority
order by revenue desc, o_orderdate;

whose plan includes the segment that hash joins the two tables listed
   ->  Hash Join  (cost=12268.29 size=5284 width=20)     ->  Seq Scan on orderfoo  (cost=8609.00 size=72911 width=16)
 ->  Hash  (cost=0.00 size=0 width=0)       ->  Seq Scan on customer  (cost=1031.00 size=1087 width=4)

and which crashes the backend during the Hash Join with:
 Unaligned access pid=28933 <postgres> va=0x14027e934    pc=0x120099430 ra=0x14027e93c inst=0xb74e0010

followed swiftly by:
 Bus error (core dumped)

(note that the unaligned access and the bus error may be unrelated
events, but I suspect not - more below)

we then have a dbx backtrace that shows:
 0 ExecScanHashBucket(hjstate = 0x140238478, bucket = 0x14027e8d8,
curtuple = 0x11fffd000, hjclauses = 0x140234118, econtext = 0x140238588)
["nodeHash.c":706, 0x120099434]  1 ExecHashJoin(node = 0x140234258) ["nodeHashjoin.c":288, 0x120099f00]  2
ExecProcNode(node= 0x140234258, parent = 0x1402347d8)
["execProcnode.c":315, 0x120090ffc]  3 ExecNestLoop(node = 0x1402347d8, parent = 0x140236108)
["nodeNestloop.c":160, 0x12009d104]  4 ExecProcNode(node = 0x1402347d8, parent = 0x140236108)
["execProcnode.c":279, 0x120090e7c]  5 createfirstrun(node = 0x140236108) ["psort.c":409, 0x1201762fc]  6
initialrun(node= 0x140236108) ["psort.c":291, 0x120176024]  7 psort_begin(node = 0x140236108, nkeys = 5159, key =
["psort.c":150, 0x120175e64]  8 ExecSort(node = 0x140236108) ["nodeSort.c":156, 0x12009e1c4]  9 ExecProcNode(node =
0x140236108,parent = 0x1402366d8)
["execProcnode.c":295, 0x120090f0c] 10 ExecGroupEveryTuple(node = 0x1402366d8) ["nodeGroup.c":104, 0x12009fab4] 11
ExecGroup(node= (nil)) ["nodeGroup.c":56, 0x12009fa0c] 12 ExecProcNode(node = 0x1402366d8, parent = 0x140237020)
["execProcnode.c":303, 0x120090f6c] 13 ExecAgg(node = 0x140237020) ["nodeAgg.c":243, 0x120097064] 14 ExecProcNode(node
=0x140237020, parent = 0x140237478)
["execProcnode.c":307, 0x120090f9c] 15 createfirstrun(node = 0x140237478) ["psort.c":409, 0x1201762fc]
More (n if no)? 16 initialrun(node = 0x140237478) ["psort.c":291, 0x120176024] 17 psort_begin(node = 0x140237478, nkeys
=5159, key = 0x14023cd80)
["psort.c":150, 0x120175e64] 18 ExecSort(node = 0x140237478) ["nodeSort.c":156, 0x12009e1c4] 19 ExecProcNode(node =
0x140237478,parent = 0x140237478)
["execProcnode.c":295, 0x120090f0c] 20 ExecutePlan(estate = 0x140237ea8, plan = 0x140237478, direction =
ForwardScanDirection, destfunc = 0x14001b118) ["execMain.c":985,
0x12008f2bc] 21 ExecutorRun(queryDesc = (nil), estate = 0x140237ea8, limoffset =
0x1, limcount = 0x14001b118) ["execMain.c":360, 0x12008e780] 22 ProcessQueryDesc(queryDesc = 0x140237e78, limoffset =
limcount = (nil)) ["pquery.c":334, 0x120123a1c]  23
ProcessQuery(parsetree = 0x1401f3a88, plan = 0x140237478, dest =
536858624) ["pquery.c":377, 0x120123b1c] 24 pg_exec_query_dest(query_string = 0x11fffd7c0 = "select l_orderkey,
sum(l_extendedprice*(1-l_discount)) as revenue, o_orderdate,
o_shippriority from customer, orderfoo, lineitem where c\...",
aclOverride = '^@') ["postgres.c":805, 0x1201217bc] 25 PostgresMain(argv = 0x11ffff808, real_argv = 0x11ffff808)
["postgres.c":703, 0x12012302c] 26 main(argv = 0x11ffff808) ["main.c":103, 0x1200ae28c]

the offending code in nodeHash.c is near line 700 as:

 if (curtuple == NULL)   heapTuple = (HeapTuple)      LONGALIGN(ABSADDR(bucket->top)); else   heapTuple = (HeapTuple)
 LONGALIGN(((char *) curtuple + curtuple->t_len + HEAPTUPLESIZE));
 while (heapTuple < (HeapTuple) ABSADDR(bucket->bottom)) {
     heapTuple->t_data = (HeapTupleHeader)        ((char *) heapTuple + HEAPTUPLESIZE);
     inntuple = ExecStoreTuple(heapTuple,      /* tuple to store */                  hjstate->hj_HashTupleSlot,
/*slot */                  InvalidBuffer,        /* tuple has no buffer */                  false);       /* do not
pfreethis tuple */


it crashes at the ExecStoreTuple().

Since it gives that unaligned access error beforehand, I suspect the
LONGALIGN() macros in the lines above are the culprits somehow.  This
takes me to include/utils/memutils.h which has:

#if (defined(sun) && ! defined(sparc)) || defined(m68k)
#elif defined (__alpha)
/* * even though "long alignment" should really be on 8-byte boundaries for * linuxalpha, we want the strictest
alignmentto be on 4-byte (int) * boundaries, because otherwise things break when they try to use the * FormData_pg_*
structures. --djm 12/12/96 */
#define LONGALIGN(LEN)\               (((long)(LEN) + (sizeof (int) - 1)) & ~(sizeof (int) -1))
#define LONGALIGN(LEN)\               (((long)(LEN) + (sizeof (long) - 1)) & ~(sizeof (long) -1))

since I am __alpha (but __osf__, not linux), I get the version with
the sizeof(int) instead of the sizeof(long).

Can someone explain the comment from djm to me (or is djm still
listening somewhere?).  At first blush, I suspect that I actually
_want_ it to do the latter version of LONGALIGN(), since my longs
really are 8 bytes.  But when I try to do that instead, I am unable to
even run "initdb" - dies with an error like "attribute not
found/invalid" (sorry, scrolled away the window with the actual error
- I can re-create if the exact message would help anyone).

Anyone have suggestions on how I might proceed?  Are there known
problems (or known-workings) of HashJoin on 64-bit platforms?

Erik Riedel
Carnegie Mellon University

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