Обсуждение: DataTable new upload


DataTable new upload

Tim Finch
Dave, Jean-Michel, Mark,

I have submitted a new set of files to the CVS in dev/datatable

see the readme.txt in /dev/datatable for details - note I have NOT yet had
time to implement all the suggestions Dav gave last time I uploaded a version.

when commiting files to the cvs it asks for the log entry. I write one but
it appears when you watch the command line window at the base it truncates
what I write to about 50 charatcers followed by ....
Does this mean I should only write this many charatcers in the log as the
rest will be cut off?


Re: DataTable new upload

Dave Page
Will take a look when I can (I just got Visual Studio.NET so here begins the fun of learning/evaluating C# :-) )


BTW, the full log message will be saved.

_____________Original message ____________
Subject:    [pgadmin-hackers] DataTable new upload
Sender:    pgsql@timfinch.cix.co.uk
Date:        Fri, 22 Mar 2002 14:53:49 +0000

Dave, Jean-Michel, Mark,

I have submitted a new set of files to the CVS in dev/datatable

see the readme.txt in /dev/datatable for details - note I have NOT yet had
time to implement all the suggestions Dav gave last time I uploaded a version.

when commiting files to the cvs it asks for the log entry. I write one but
it appears when you watch the command line window at the base it truncates
what I write to about 50 charatcers followed by ....
Does this mean I should only write this many charatcers in the log as the
rest will be cut off?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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