Обсуждение: Re: idea error Handler


Re: idea error Handler

"Dave Page"
Thanks, committed in pgAdmin (but not pgSchema, plugins or exporters).

Regards, Dave

> -----Original Message-----
> From: frank_lupo [mailto:frank_lupo@email.it]
> Sent: 04 March 2003 18:49
> To: pgadmin-hackers
> Subject: [pgadmin-hackers] idea error Handler
> Current error Handler in first line of routine is :
> On Error GoTo Err_Handler
> In ide this method is not good because is not possible to
> debug routine when
> when it comes generated an error.
> Change all routine using
> If InIDE Then:  On Error GoTo 0: Else: On Error GoTo Err_Handler:
> The "InIDE" is the global variable which indicate if program
> running in VB Design Environment (ide).
> This is a method to retrive if execution is in ide.
> ------------------------------
> '''module global
> Global InIDE As Boolean
> '''module api
> Public Declare Function GetModuleFileName Lib "kernel32"
> Alias "GetModuleFileNameA" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal
> lpFileName As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
> '''module misc
> sub main
> ....
>   InIDE = InVBDesignEnvironment
> ....
> end sub
> 'verify if execution of pgAdin2 is in ide
> Public Function InVBDesignEnvironment() As Boolean
> Dim szFileName As String
> Dim lCount As Long
>   szFileName = String(255, 0)
>   lCount = GetModuleFileName(App.hInstance, szFileName, 255)
>   szFileName = Left(szFileName, lCount)
>   InVBDesignEnvironment = False
>   If UCase(Right(szFileName, 7)) = "VB6.EXE" Then
> InVBDesignEnvironment = True
> End Function
> Bye !!
> Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!
>     /\_ _/\
>     \ o o /
> --ooo-----ooo---
> --
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