Обсуждение: Re: Clone object database


Re: Clone object database

"Dave Page"
Hi Frank,

Sorry for the delay in looking at this, I've been swamped!

A few immediately obvious problems with this patch I'm afraid:

1) It should include all object types - aggregates, casts, types etc
should be handled as well.

2) The new objects are not added to the treeview.

3) User variables are not cloned with the user.

4) Numeric columns in tables do not include their scale.

5) 'System' indexes (such a created by Primary Key or Unique
constraints) will also be manually recreated.

6) The patch doesn't include updates to frmMain and clsContext to handle
the menus.

I've not applied this update because of these. I think this is a complex
update to do well so it may well take a few revisions until we're all
happy :-)

Regards, Dave.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: frank_lupo [mailto:frank_lupo@email.it]
> Sent: 13 March 2003 17:57
> To: pgadmin-hackers
> Subject: [pgadmin-hackers] Clone object database
> This program clone a object database:
> Domain
>     clone defination
> Table
>     clone Column,Check,ForeignKey,Rule,Trigger,Index,Acl
> View
>     clone defination,Acl
> User
>     clone defination,group where is present
> Group
>     clone defination,user present in group
> Using:
> Insert into Sub main then call to "InitClone"
> For copy using CopyObjDb
> For paste using PasteObjDb
> I create a module, is possible to create a class or plug-in
> Bye !!
> Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!
>     /\_ _/\
>     \ o o /
> --ooo-----ooo---
> --
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