Обсуждение: Re: Pot language file


Re: Pot language file

Andreas Pflug
Jean-Michel POURE wrote:

>On Wednesday 11 June 2003 22:32, you wrote:
>>that's a known problem. I already rearranged most strings to be complete
>>sentences, but left those from the query builder because that's under
>>construction (haven't translated them so far either).
>>That " rows" slipped through my filter; simply ignore it, the next
>>upload uses the "%d rows" form which is already included in the pot file.
>OK, sorry.
No need to be sorry, this text needed to be fixed (just committed to cvs).

>Do you know when the language files will be part of Make install?
No I don't, and I wonder if it is really smart. Admittedly, the net text
content won't change as long as texts in the source aren't changed, but
any change of lines will produce a changed pot file, effectively making
a new cvs version on each commit. IMHO it should stay out of make all
(maybe a "make extract" or so).

Another tought about source distrib:
I think you mentioned to deliver bootstrap in the rpms. Users usually
don't run "bootstrap ; configure" but only configure. bootstrap is just
the tool to create the necessary autoconf files. I think it's better not
to give away those ac*, *.am and bootstrap files, they are unnecessary
to make.
