Обсуждение: Re: pgAdmin3 translation request into Hungarian


Re: pgAdmin3 translation request into Hungarian

Jean-Michel POURE
On Monday 30 June 2003 23:13, you wrote:
> I would say "no" currently due to my busy summer, but thinking on it more,
> I'll probably have the oppurtunity to translate pgAdmin3 until the end of
> July. I'll write an article about i18n in a Hungarian Linux Gazette soon
> and I'll show the method of it on pgAdmin3. I saw some screenshots and it
> looks very nice, congratulations! :-)

Dear Zoltan,

"Viva Hungary !". Thank you very much for your proposal. Take your time if you
are busy. I am adding you to the list of translators. Is your name Zoltan
Kovzol, are there any accents?

Thank you too to promote pgAdmin3 via screenshots in your i18n articles. Do
not hesitate to send us a PDF of your article when ready, we would love to
reproduce part of it on pgAdmin3 web site.
