Обсуждение: First Debian package release


First Debian package release

Raphaël Enrici
Dear all,

I've just uploaded a first version of pgAdmin3 Debian package for Woody
on snake.
The package need some cleaning but it is there and works for me.
In particular, I need better build-requisites in the source package.
If some of you want to test, they'll be welcome!
Don't be too hard with me, it's a first step in the long way to build a
good package :)

I added a README.Debian in the linux/debian directory which explain the
install process.
(http://www.pgadmin.org/snapshots/linux/debian/README.Debian as soon as
the mirror will be ok)

When the mirror will be synced, it should be as simple as this :
<------------- cut here ------------->
edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following line :
deb http://www.pgadmin.org/snapshots/linux/debian woody pgadmin
Do this as root:
apt-get update
apt-get install pgadmin3
<------------- cut here ------------->

Note that I didn't uploaded the wxWindows package because I'm waiting
for an answer from Ron Lee.
I'll surely upload it tomorrow or the day after. wxWindows is required
to build the package from source.
I'll complete instructions to do this just after this upload.



Re: First Debian package release

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raphaël Enrici [mailto:blacknoz@club-internet.fr]
> Sent: 01 July 2003 00:40
> To: pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org
> Subject: [pgadmin-hackers] First Debian package release
> Dear all,
> I've just uploaded a first version of pgAdmin3 Debian package
> for Woody
> on snake.

Thanks Raphaël, that's excellent news!

Regards, Dave.

Re: First Debian package release

Jean-Michel POURE
On Tuesday 01 July 2003 01:40, Raphaël Enrici wrote:
> I added a README.Debian in the linux/debian directory which explain the
> install process.
> (http://www.pgadmin.org/snapshots/linux/debian/README.Debian as soon as
> the mirror will be ok)

Dear Raphaël,

I added the Debian instructions to


Re: First Debian package release

Raphaël Enrici
Jean-Michel POURE wrote:

>On Tuesday 01 July 2003 01:40, Raphaël Enrici wrote:
>Dear Raphaël,
>I added the Debian instructions to


I corrected the package this evening, there was a couple of things
(emails, default debian files) to change to be cleaner.
The 20030701 is now on snake. Do you know if the mirror is destructive ?
What I mean is : if I delete some files from snake, will they get out of
www.pgadmin.org/snapshots ?

Another question : when I install the package, the default "sql help
site" is set to a relative path "../share/...", it does not work when I
click on "Help -> SQL Help" it says that the help file is not found.
As I packaged it, pgAdmin3 is in /usr/bin and the help file is in
/usr/share/... so the relative path seems to be correct.
If I give the absolute path in File->Options, everything works fine.
Do you have the same problem on RPMS packages ? Did I built something
wrong ?



Re: First Debian package release

Jean-Michel POURE
Dear Raphaël,

> The 20030701 is now on snake. Do you know if the mirror is destructive ?
> What I mean is : if I delete some files from snake, will they get out of
> www.pgadmin.org/snapshots ?

Yes it is destructive. It is being updated once a day.

> Another question : when I install the package, the default "sql help
> site" is set to a relative path "../share/...", it does not work when I
> click on "Help -> SQL Help" it says that the help file is not found.
> As I packaged it, pgAdmin3 is in /usr/bin and the help file is in
> /usr/share/... so the relative path seems to be correct.
> If I give the absolute path in File->Options, everything works fine.
> Do you have the same problem on RPMS packages ? Did I built something
> wrong ?

Hmm. I had the same problem with PostgreSQL FAQ a couple of days ago, but
Andreas fixed it. The RPMs have the same problem, it is a small bug.


Re: First Debian package release

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raphaël Enrici [mailto:blacknoz@club-internet.fr]
> Sent: 01 July 2003 20:53
> To: jm.poure@freesurf.fr
> Cc: pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [pgadmin-hackers] First Debian package release
> What I mean is : if I delete some files from snake, will they
> get out of www.pgadmin.org/snapshots ?

Yes they will. The update is done daily using:

/usr/local/bin/rsync -avz --delete snake.pgadmin.org::pgadmin-snaphots /usr/local/www/pgadmin.postgresql.org/snapshots

Regards, Dave.