Обсуждение: pga3: New wxWindows Version


pga3: New wxWindows Version

"Dave Page"
Hi All,

There is a new version of the pgAdmin3 supported wxWindows tarball
currently being rsync'ed to
This version contains Andreas' recent patch to the il8n support.

*** Would all packagers please ensure they are running this version ***

Regards, Dave

Re: pga3: New wxWindows Version

Raphaël Enrici
Hi Dave,

Dave Page wrote:

>There is a new version of the pgAdmin3 supported wxWindows tarball
>currently being rsync'ed to
>This version contains Andreas' recent patch to the il8n support.
I'm uploading the debian packages for woody and I'll surely publish
testing and unstable tonight or tomorrow night.

Can you please confirm that future release of wxWindows tarball will be
named with the same policy ?
Something like wxWindows-pgAdmin3-CVS_TAG.tar.gz ?

It could help me automate this build too... Something similar to what
I'm doing with pgAdmin3 snapshots.



Re: pga3: New wxWindows Version

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raphaël Enrici [mailto:blacknoz@club-internet.fr]
> Sent: 07 July 2003 21:20
> To: Dave Page
> Cc: pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [pgadmin-hackers] pga3: New wxWindows Version
> Hi Dave,
> Dave Page wrote:
> >There is a new version of the pgAdmin3 supported wxWindows tarball
> >currently being rsync'ed to
> >www.pgadmin.org/snapshots/wxWindows/wxWindows-pgAdmin3-200307
>This version contains Andreas' recent patch to the il8n support.
> I'm uploading the debian packages for woody and I'll surely publish
> testing and unstable tonight or tomorrow night.

Excellent - thanks.

> Can you please confirm that future release of wxWindows tarball will be
> named with the same policy ?
> Something like wxWindows-pgAdmin3-CVS_TAG.tar.gz ?

I'll stick to wxWindows-pgAdmin3-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz. It's not in CVS though...

Regards, Dave.

Re: pga3: New wxWindows Version

Raphaël Enrici
Hi all,

Dave Page wrote :

>>Can you please confirm that future release of wxWindows tarball will be
>>named with the same policy ?
>>Something like wxWindows-pgAdmin3-CVS_TAG.tar.gz ?
>I'll stick to wxWindows-pgAdmin3-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz. It's not in CVS though...
That's what I meant :) But you are right to correct me.

I've just uploaded pgadmin3 for Debian woody,testing and unstable. If
someone on the list can test this, it would be nice... Scripts seem to
be ok now and daily snapshots can be built automatically (the only
limitation is the weather [35°C] and my CPU which is running too hot...;p).
I also uploaded the latest wxWindows static packages for all these
Debian release. Every package has its source package so that people can
rebuild them quite easily.
As suggested by Jean Michel, I'll publish a patch to update
snapshots.html with all instructions concerning Debian installation /
build. Until this patch is released, you can still find instructions in
the readme file located at:

Any comments are welcome :)

Now I'm looking to my bed, and I think I'll have a nice night! Good
night all (and have a nice day for those who are waking up...).



Re: pga3: New wxWindows Version

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raphaël Enrici [mailto:blacknoz@club-internet.fr]
> Sent: 08 July 2003 23:11
> To: pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org
> Cc: Dave Page; Jean-Michel POURE
> Subject: Re: [pgadmin-hackers] pga3: New wxWindows Version
> Hi all,
> Dave Page wrote :
> >>Can you please confirm that future release of wxWindows
> tarball will
> >>be
> >>named with the same policy ?
> >>Something like wxWindows-pgAdmin3-CVS_TAG.tar.gz ?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I'll stick to wxWindows-pgAdmin3-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz. It's not in CVS
> >though...
> >
> That's what I meant :) But you are right to correct me.
> So,
> I've just uploaded pgadmin3 for Debian woody,testing and unstable. If
> someone on the list can test this, it would be nice...
> Scripts seem to
> be ok now and daily snapshots can be built automatically

OK, that's good news. - we should probably add the scripts to CVS at some point.

> Now I'm looking to my bed, and I think I'll have a nice night! Good
> night all (and have a nice day for those who are waking up...).

Good night!

Regards, Dave.

debian / cvs

Raphaël Enrici
Hi Dave,

Dave Page wrote :

>>I've just uploaded pgadmin3 for Debian woody,testing and unstable. If
>>someone on the list can test this, it would be nice...
>>Scripts seem to
>>be ok now and daily snapshots can be built automatically
>OK, that's good news. - we should probably add the scripts to CVS at some point.
Concerning this proposal, I think it would be great and surely help
automates build although it's  surely not compliant with the actual
feature freeze (we'll surely do this for a next release, isn't it ?).

Now I have some question:
Everything concerning debian packaging is located in a directory named
"debian" that looks like this for the moment:
This directory if found under something like packagename-version,
permits the package to be built by launching a single command. <here is
the question ;)> So, can you confirm that pga3's tarball sources of
freezed or beta versions will be released with the main directory called
something like :  pgadmin3-xxxx where xxxx is the version number
(something similar to what is done in the snapshots' tarballs
"pgadmin3-0.1.1"). If it's the case and if we simply put the "debian"
directory in it, the package can be simply built typing a single command
on a debian system (dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot).

I'm currently looking for the best practices concerning debian packaging
and cvs. Debian has some tools that helps managing packages files in a
cvs repository (in particular, it helps managing differents versions of
files for differents releases of debian) but I'm not sure it's the best
way of doing the job.



Re: debian / cvs

"Dave Page"
It's rumoured that Raphaël Enrici once said:
> Hi Dave,
> Dave Page wrote :
>>>I've just uploaded pgadmin3 for Debian woody,testing and unstable. If
>>>someone on the list can test this, it would be nice...
>>>Scripts seem to
>>>be ok now and daily snapshots can be built automatically
>>OK, that's good news. - we should probably add the scripts to CVS at
>>some point.
> Concerning this proposal, I think it would be great and surely help
> automates build although it's  surely not compliant with the actual
> feature freeze (we'll surely do this for a next release, isn't it ?).

I think we can add/tweak packaging scripts during ff. It's not like they
affect the underlying code in any way. I was planning to add a new
directory anyway:

Which would hold all the appropriate packaging related files. For example,
the current build-snapshot will be split into /pkg/src/build-tarball and
/pkg/slackware/build-package or similar. /pkg/win32 will contain the Wise
for Windows installer project files that I will use.
> Now I have some question:
> Everything concerning debian packaging is located in a directory named
> "debian" that looks like this for the moment:
>    debian/README.Debian
>    debian/changelog
>    debian/control
>    debian/copyright
>    debian/dirs
>    debian/docs
>    debian/rules

Can this work under /pkg/debian?

> This directory if found under something like packagename-version,
> permits the package to be built by launching a single command. <here is
>  the question ;)> So, can you confirm that pga3's tarball sources of
> freezed or beta versions will be released with the main directory
> called  something like :  pgadmin3-xxxx where xxxx is the version
> number
> (something similar to what is done in the snapshots' tarballs
> "pgadmin3-0.1.1"). If it's the case and if we simply put the "debian"
> directory in it, the package can be simply built typing a single
> command  on a debian system (dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot).

The beta releases will be pgadmin3-0.x.x.tar.gz (I plan to drop the -src
that's currently in there). When we release, we will bump the version to
> I'm currently looking for the best practices concerning debian
> packaging  and cvs. Debian has some tools that helps managing packages
> files in a  cvs repository (in particular, it helps managing differents
> versions of  files for differents releases of debian) but I'm not sure
> it's the best  way of doing the job.

I wouldn't have thought that pgAdmin is that complex is it?

Regards, Dave.

Re: debian / cvs

Raphaël Enrici
Dave Page wrote:

>I think we can add/tweak packaging scripts during ff. It's not like they
>affect the underlying code in any way. I was planning to add a new
>directory anyway:
>  src/
>  doc/
>  pkg/
>    win32/
>    src/
>    slackware/
>    debian/
>Which would hold all the appropriate packaging related files. For example,
>the current build-snapshot will be split into /pkg/src/build-tarball and
>/pkg/slackware/build-package or similar. /pkg/win32 will contain the Wise
>for Windows installer project files that I will use.
seems to be a good idea to separate package things from the rest.

>>Now I have some question:
>>Everything concerning debian packaging is located in a directory named
>>"debian" that looks like this for the moment:
>>   debian/README.Debian
>>   debian/changelog
>>   debian/control
>>   debian/copyright
>>   debian/dirs
>>   debian/docs
>>   debian/rules
>Can this work under /pkg/debian?
unfortunately not, but we can still have a script that does the trick
(something similar to what's done in upstream wxWindows for example) and
if the pgadmin files are still organized like what I'm waiting for (see
below), the script can be something like :
cd pgadmin3-0.1.1 ; mv pkg/debian . ; dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot
Not that complex isn't it ? :)

>The beta releases will be pgadmin3-0.x.x.tar.gz (I plan to drop the -src
>that's currently in there). When we release, we will bump the version to
I didn't explain my mind well: what I was talking about is what will be
inside the tarballs
will tar tzvf pgadmin3-0.x.x.tar.gz still give something like
and then
If yes, everything is fine! :)

>>I'm currently looking for the best practices concerning debian
>>packaging  and cvs. Debian has some tools that helps managing packages
>>files in a  cvs repository (in particular, it helps managing differents
>>versions of  files for differents releases of debian) but I'm not sure
>>it's the best  way of doing the job.
>I wouldn't have thought that pgAdmin is that complex is it?
No, pgAdmin is well developped, autoconf scripts are a dream and
everything builds quite easily once wxWindows is ok.
I think that the complexity comes from the fact I try to get some "good"
packages (I mean things like all dependencies for build section and
runtimes section well documented for example) and that I don't want to
do bad choices concerning the way of doing it so that it is possible in
the future to go in official debian without much work.

Hope I didn't mess you with my personal fears :)

I send you debian files in private to take care of others on the list.



Re: debian / cvs

"Dave Page"
It's rumoured that Raphaël Enrici once said:
>>Can this work under /pkg/debian?
> unfortunately not, but we can still have a script that does the trick
> (something similar to what's done in upstream wxWindows for example)
> and  if the pgadmin files are still organized like what I'm waiting for
> (see  below), the script can be something like :
> cd pgadmin3-0.1.1 ; mv pkg/debian . ; dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot
> Not that complex isn't it ? :)

Not really :-)

> will tar tzvf pgadmin3-0.x.x.tar.gz still give something like
> pgadmin3-0.x.x/files
> ...
> and then
> pgadmin3-1.0.0/files
> ...
> If yes, everything is fine! :)

Yes, it will (another :-) )

> No, pgAdmin is well developped, autoconf scripts are a dream and
> everything builds quite easily once wxWindows is ok.

Did you hear that Adam?

> I think that the complexity comes from the fact I try to get some
> "good"  packages (I mean things like all dependencies for build section
> and  runtimes section well documented for example) and that I don't
> want to  do bad choices concerning the way of doing it so that it is
> possible in  the future to go in official debian without much work.
> Hope I didn't mess you with my personal fears :)

Not at all. It's good to plan ahead where possible. The one thing I've
learnt during the 7 (8?) years I've been writing pgAdmin, is that no
matter how much you look forward when writing the code, there will always
be something that causes grief later! Therefore I always try to think
ahead as much as possible.
> I send you debian files in private to take care of others on the list.


Cheers, Dave.