Обсуждение: Desktop integration


Desktop integration

Raphaël Enrici
Dear friends,

can you please add the file attached to cvs tree ? It's just the file
needed to update menus of kde/gnome with "update-menus" in Debian. I
haven't tested this with other Linux distros but if we can find similar
way of handling desktop integration in other distros, it may be good to
separate Desktop things in an unique place. Something like pkg/desktop
(?). If this is really Debian specific, just put the file in pkg/debian

Can you also do the magick trick so that the elephant48.xpm that Andreas
uploaded some days ago become available in snapshots tarball ?

Jean-Michel, did you get time to look for "update-menus" in RH/MDK/SUSE ?

I'll produce a patch for pkg/debian files as soon as these modifications
will be made.

Thanks and regards,

?package(pgadmin3):needs="x11" section="Apps/Databases" \
    title="pgAdmin3" command="pgadmin3" hints="Graphical client for PostgreSQL" \
?package(pgadmin3):needs="x11" section="Apps/Tools" \
    title="pgAdmin3" command="pgadmin3" hints="Graphical client for PostgreSQL" \

Re: Desktop integration

"Dave Page"
It's rumoured that Raphaël Enrici once said:
> !
> Dear friends,
> can you please add the file attached to cvs tree ? It's just the file
> needed to update menus of kde/gnome with "update-menus" in
> Debian. I
> haven't tested this with other Linux distros but if we can find similar
> way of handling desktop integration in other distros, it may be good to
> separate Desktop things in an unique place. Something like pkg/desktop
> (?). If this is really Debian specific, just put the file in pkg/debian
> tree.

Hi Raphael, I have added the file as pkg/debian/desktop with 2 changes:

1) Changed the tip text to 'PostgreSQL Tools' which is our standard
tagline (until someone comes up with something catchier!).
2) Removed the icon from the Tools folder. I think one of the major
problems with most non-Windows systems is the overwhelming menu structures
with nearly everything starting with K or G(!). Let's not add to that
problem by adding our icon to more than one folder.
> Can you also do the magick trick so that the elephant48.xpm that
> Andreas
> uploaded some days ago become available in snapshots tarball ?


Regards, Dave.

Re: Desktop integration

Jean-Michel POURE
Le Samedi 30 Août 2003 23:45, Raphaël Enrici a écrit :
> Jean-Michel, did you get time to look for "update-menus" in RH/MDK/SUSE ?

Unfortunately no. I will be back on Thesday night. Will be able to have a try
on Wednesday. Cheers, Jean-Michel

Re: Desktop integration

Raphaël Enrici
Hi Dave,

Dave Page wrote:

> Hi Raphael, I have added the file as pkg/debian/desktop with 2 changes:

Ok, if it is in pkg/debian it should be named "pgadmin3.menu" to help
automate the installation with debhelper scripts, is it hard to rename
the file in CVS ? If yes, I'll do the trick "manually" in the build process.

> 2) Removed the icon from the Tools folder. I think one of the major
>problems with most non-Windows systems is the overwhelming menu structures
>with nearly everything starting with K or G(!). Let's not add to that
>problem by adding our icon to more than one folder.
Sounds good to me, but then may be we should leave it in "tools" instead
of "databases" entry. Although I prefer "Databases", "tools" is a
section I found from a scratch install it was not the case of
"databases" which I added by hand. What do you think ?

>>an you also do the magick trick so that the elephant48.xpm that
>>uploaded some days ago become available in snapshots tarball ?
Thank you.


Re: Desktop integration

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raphaël Enrici [mailto:blacknoz@club-internet.fr]
> Sent: 01 September 2003 22:44
> To: Dave Page
> Cc: pgadmin@pse-consulting.de; jm@poure.com;
> pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [pgadmin-hackers] Desktop integration
> Hi Dave,
> Dave Page wrote:
> > Hi Raphael, I have added the file as pkg/debian/desktop with 2
> > changes:
> Ok, if it is in pkg/debian it should be named "pgadmin3.menu" to help
> automate the installation with debhelper scripts, is it hard
> to rename
> the file in CVS ? If yes, I'll do the trick "manually" in the
> build process.


> Sounds good to me, but then may be we should leave it in
> "tools" instead
> of "databases" entry. Although I prefer "Databases", "tools" is a
> section I found from a scratch install it was not the case of
> "databases" which I added by hand. What do you think ?

Hmm, I have neither on KDE 3.1 on Slackware 9. Closest I have is Development. Thoughts anyone? Should it be
standardisedor distro specific? 

Regards, Dave.

Re: Desktop integration

concerning this last point, let's stay as we are. I finally had a look to debian postgresql-client package and it
createsa "Databases" entry in debian menu. So it seems to be the right place for debian menus at this time. I'll also
havea look to gnome/kde/unified desktop specification and registered sections when I'll have the time for it... For the
momentI'm building the beta2 :) 



>> Sounds good to me, but then may be we should leave it in
>> "tools" instead
>> of "databases" entry. Although I prefer "Databases", "tools" is a
>> section I found from a scratch install it was not the case of
>> "databases" which I added by hand. What do you think ?
>Hmm, I have neither on KDE 3.1 on Slackware 9. Closest I have is Development. Thoughts anyone? Should it be
standardisedor distro specific? 
>Regards, Dave.
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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Re: Desktop integration

"Dave Page"
> Dave,
> concerning this last point, let's stay as we are. I finally had a look
> to debian postgresql-client package and it creates a "Databases" entry
> in debian menu. So it seems to be the right place for debian menus at
> this time. I'll also have a look to gnome/kde/unified desktop
> specification and registered sections when I'll have the time for it...
> For the moment I'm building the beta2 :)

OK, I'd be interested to hear if you get something to work that might work
on Slackware as well. I created a pgadmin3.desktop file and bunged it in
/opt/kde3/share/applnk (off the top of my head), but it didn't work -
contrary to what various docs on the net say. To be honest though, I
haven't given it any serious investigation yet.
Reards, Dave

Re: Desktop integration

Raphaël Enrici
Dave Page wrote:

>OK, I'd be interested to hear if you get something to work that might work
>on Slackware as well. I created a pgadmin3.desktop file and bunged it in
>/opt/kde3/share/applnk (off the top of my head), but it didn't work -
>contrary to what various docs on the net say. To be honest though, I
>haven't given it any serious investigation yet.
>Reards, Dave
Hi Dave,
beta2 build is ok for i386 :)

My pgadmin3.desktop looks like this:
<---------cut here----------------->
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=PostgreSQL Tools
<---------cut here----------------->
(It would be nice to "localize" this file.)

In Debian, I put this file in two locations:
/usr/share/applnk/Applications/   for kde
/usr/share/gnome/apps/Applications/ for gnome
These two directories are the "old" way to do the job, but what is
described on freedesktop does not work for me (we should normally put
pgadmin3.desktop in /usr/share/applications and that's all...)
pgAdmin3 then appears in Applications->Misc (because there is no native
Databases section in the panel)  in gnome panel and in Applications in kde.
The "Categories" part of the file is specified by freedesktop
(www.freedesktop.org) as I understood and there is no "Databases"
section (you can have a look to registered categories at:

I'll tell you if I find a better way of handling this.



Re: Desktop integration

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raphaël Enrici [mailto:blacknoz@club-internet.fr]
> Sent: 03 September 2003 23:03
> To: Dave Page
> Cc: pgadmin@pse-consulting.de; jm@poure.com;
> pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [pgadmin-hackers] Desktop integration
> My pgadmin3.desktop looks like this:
> <---------cut here----------------->
> [Desktop Entry]
> Name=pgadmin3
> Comment=PostgreSQL Tools
> Icon=pgadmin3.xpm
> Terminal=false
> Type=Application
> Exec=pgadmin3
> Categories=Application;
> <---------cut here----------------->

Looks the same as mine, except I have full paths.

> In Debian, I put this file in two locations:
> /usr/share/applnk/Applications/   for kde
> /usr/share/gnome/apps/Applications/ for gnome

Yes. I only have KDE, so I've put the file in /opt/kde/share/applnk/Databases. Unfortunately this doesn't want to work.
IfI add the icon using the menu editor, an almost identical desktop file is created which works fine. Looking on the
nettells me this is the right thing to do, however it seems like I need to kick KDE into re-reading the files (a
restartdoesn't help). 

Any ideas? BTW, the desktop file is in pkg/slackware/pgadmin3.desktop

Regards, Dave.