Обсуждение: Updated, nearly complete, Swedish translation of pgAdmin III


Updated, nearly complete, Swedish translation of pgAdmin III

Oskar Berggren
Attached is the nearly complete translation to Swedish of pgAdmin III,
748 out of 763 strings.

The remaining 15 seems to be mostly related to the Query Builder's menu
system, and since the binary debian packages seem to be compiled without
the query builder I have been unable to test this, and I don't want to
play around with the &-signs without being able to test the resulting
menu. (And I don't have time to compile by myself right now.)

Also, there is a number of places where the Swedish translation is
too long to fit in nicely. However, there is also quite a few places
where not even the original English text fits. Is this something that
is known and is being worked on, or am I the only one that suffers from


Oskar Berggren <beo-pgadmin@sgsnet.se>


Re: Updated, nearly complete, Swedish translation

Andreas Pflug
Oskar Berggren wrote:

>Attached is the nearly complete translation to Swedish of pgAdmin III,
>748 out of 763 strings.
Thanks Oskar,

your work has been committed to cvs, and Swedish marked as "published".

>The remaining 15 seems to be mostly related to the Query Builder's menu
>system, and since the binary debian packages seem to be compiled without
>the query builder I have been unable to test this, and I don't want to
>play around with the &-signs without being able to test the resulting
>menu. (And I don't have time to compile by myself right now.)
There are also 6 fuzzy strings, please check these. Please also
translate the remaining 15 strings, although you can't test them at the
moment, because it makes it really difficult for us to decide whether a
translation is complete if there are strings missing (even when they're
not displayed at the moment).

>Also, there is a number of places where the Swedish translation is
>too long to fit in nicely. However, there is also quite a few places
>where not even the original English text fits.
Please tell us these places, where text doesn't fit. We try to have
english text + 50 % to have enough room for translations whereever
possible. I had a look at your translation and couldn't find a single
string that wouldn't fit, but I noticed some messages that didn't get
marked for translation (of which only one wasn't known so far), so the
total string count increased to 764.


Re: Updated, nearly complete, Swedish translation

Andreas Pflug
Oskar Berggren wrote:

>Okay, attached is new version with 764 translated strings. In some cases
>where I couldn't select the same letter as keyboard shortcut, I dropped
>the shortcut instead. I hope that is okay, I'll be happy to add them
>back when I can test them.
Perfect, committed to cvs.

>I have attached screenshots of five cases. The Add/Change button is
>grabbed from the security tab in the new function dialog, but that
>problem of course repeats itself on several other locations where the
>same button is present. Also, I think there are more cases, but I
>haven't kept track. If it turns out to be a problem with the code,
>I can have a more thorough look.
That looks like compiled with wxWindows 2.4, which uses wrong font
metrics. All these examples look perfectl for wxWindows 2.5. To check
which wx version is in use, you can enable debug logging and have a look
at the logfile.


Re: Updated, nearly complete, Swedish translation

Andreas Pflug
Oskar Berggren wrote:

>On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 11:06, Andreas Pflug wrote:
>>Oskar Berggren wrote:
>>>I have attached screenshots of five cases. The Add/Change button is
>>>grabbed from the security tab in the new function dialog, but that
>>>problem of course repeats itself on several other locations where the
>>>same button is present. Also, I think there are more cases, but I
>>>haven't kept track. If it turns out to be a problem with the code,
>>>I can have a more thorough look.
>>That looks like compiled with wxWindows 2.4, which uses wrong font
>>metrics. All these examples look perfectl for wxWindows 2.5. To check
>>which wx version is in use, you can enable debug logging and have a look
>>at the logfile.
>Hmm, it doesn't seem so:
>2003-09-07 11:16:38 INFO   :
>2003-09-07 11:16:38 INFO   : # pgAdmin III Version 0.9.2 BETA 2 Startup
>2003-09-07 11:16:38 INFO   :
>2003-09-07 11:16:38 INFO   : Compiled with OpenSSL 0.9.7b 10 Apr 2003
>2003-09-07 11:16:38 INFO   : Creating a splash screen
>From what I read in the code there should be an extra line in
>there if it was _not_ compiled against wxWindows 2.5.
Right, this is 2.5. But still the font is wrong; it's too big.

>I'm using the Debian pgadmin3 package provided on the pgadmin web
>site (0.9.2-0.1) on Debian unstable. All GTK-related packages upgraded
>to the latest available versions in Debian unstable.

can you tell why the font is wrong? Whatever this font is, it's not
helvetica.11 which seems to be the standard for Linux (maybe missing on
Debian?). It must have about 14pt, which is clearly too large.


Re: Updated, nearly complete, Swedish translation

Raphaël Enrici
Andreas Pflug wrote:

> Oskar Berggren wrote:
>> On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 11:06, Andreas Pflug wrote:
>>> Oskar Berggren wrote:
>>>> I have attached screenshots of five cases. The Add/Change button is
>>>> grabbed from the security tab in the new function dialog, but that
>>>> problem of course repeats itself on several other locations where the
>>>> same button is present. Also, I think there are more cases, but I
>>>> haven't kept track. If it turns out to be a problem with the code,
>>>> I can have a more thorough look.
>> I'm using the Debian pgadmin3 package provided on the pgadmin web
>> site (0.9.2-0.1) on Debian unstable. All GTK-related packages upgraded
>> to the latest available versions in Debian unstable.
> Raphael,
> can you tell why the font is wrong? Whatever this font is, it's not
> helvetica.11 which seems to be the standard for Linux (maybe missing
> on Debian?). It must have about 14pt, which is clearly too large.

Dear Oskar,

can you send me the results of the following commands 'dpkg
--get-selections' and 'export COLUMNS=120 ; dpkg -l' (in particular what
is concerning the xfonts-* packages).
How did you install your X: did you use the x-window-system meta-package
or did you install by hand ? What desktop are you using ? Did you check
your desktop preferencies ?
Can you also send me a copy of the screenshot (I didn't find them, may
be you sent them in private mail to Andreas, or may be I should open my
eyes ;p ) ?

We stay in touch.



Re: FONT PROBLEM Updated, nearly complete, Swedish

Raphaël Enrici
Dear Oskar,

I think you never get my previous mail, so I reply to myself :) [ my
IMAP/SMTP servers are really buggy for the moment]
After I read Andreas' post on wx-users and the replies which were sent
to him, I finally tested pgAdmin3 under enlghtenment on debian/unstable.
Fonts are really horrible! :)
What was suggested on wx-users was to edit your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and add
something like this:

<-------- cut here ------------->
style "defaultfont"
 font_name = "Arial 10"
widget_class "*" style "defaultfont"
<-------- cut here ------------->

I tried it and it worked for me... It looks close to what I can see with
a full gnome desktop.
Please also have a look to /usr/share/doc/enlightenment/README.Debian,
there is information concerning fonts in debian enlightenment

You can find the entire thread on wx-users list at:

Andreas, IMHO we may add some informations regarding this in a FAQ ?
I may also add a screen to the debian package with debconf so that
people are warned of such problems while installing the package. What's
your opinion ?

My last (should I say lost!) mail follow ;)



Raphaël Enrici wrote:

> Oskar Berggren wrote:
>> On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 21:48, Raphaël Enrici wrote:
>>> Oskar Berggren wrote:
>>>> I did not use the x-window-system package. I don't remember exactly
>>>> what I did, it was several years ago, but I believe I just pulled
>>>> in the packages manually. There has been two major upgrades
>>>> concerning the X-packages on my installation, I think. From 4.0 -> 4.1
>>>> and then 4.1 -> 4.2. Manually upgraded (using apt-get).
>>>> I'm using evolution, and nothing fancy. I have never changed any
>>>> Gnome preferences, if that's what you mean, at least not knowingly.
>>>> At the moment I'm actually not sure how/where to change them.
>>> Ok, I'm not telling that you did something wrong, I just want to get
>>> the most information that I can so that we can try to figure out
>>> what's wrong with these fonts... May be I did something wrong when I
>>> built the package (I build them in a small chrooted environment...).
>> Hmm, you seem to think that I became annoyed with you... Maybe I'm
>> seeing things that aren't there, but anyway, just so there is no
>> confusion: That was/is not the case, although when I read what I wrote
>> I suppose there is room for interpretation.  :-)
> No problem with me :). I really appreciate the time you give to
> testing and your answers were really fast. I just didn't want to hurt
> you with questions that can look stupid ;)
>>> Can you just tell me what the fonts are if you go in
>>> "Applications->Desktop Preferences->Font".
>>> The window should tell you what your preferences are for
>>> Application, Desktop, window title and Terminal Font. On my
>>> workstation, "Application font" really change the way pgAdmin3 appears.
>> What I meant to say above was that I'm using Enlightenment. The word
>> 'Evolution' must have come from a temporary brain shortcircuit or
>> something. :)
> Oh yes 'Enlightenment', I thought you were saying that other apps
> (like evolution) were looking nice :)
>>  Therefore I do not have the menus you are referring
>> to, and I did not at the time know where the setting was actually
>> stored. I have however done some research, and from what I gather
>> using gconftool-2, the setting was "Sans", 10pt, which at least on my
>> system looks suspicously similar to "Bitstream Vera Sans". For two
>> reasons I don't think that setting was actually used:
>>   1. Changing it to something else did not have any effect.
>>      Tried abiword, gnumeric, pgadmin3, file-roller... no effect.
>>   2. What was actually used looked bigger than 10pt.
>> I did the following experiment: I installed gnome-session and some
>> other necessary packages and logged on as a different user, that
>> was configured to use a gnome environment. Now the setting did seem
>> to have an effect, in that environment. Changing it definately changed
>> the font used by pgadmin3 (and abiword, gnumeric, etc...). When logged
>> on as my normal user (using enlightenment) the setting seems to be
>> ignored again.
>> Even though I could get the application to use a smaller font, there
>> was still problems with missing space, though I did not make a really
>> thorough investigation of that at the time, as I did not have time.
>> One thing I did notice is that frame with the debug level settings in
>> the option dialog is strangely aligned and even jumps aroung a bit,
>> depending on font/fontsize. Attached is a screenshot showing how this
>> looks when using Enlightement. That problem was there when logged on
>> using gnome-session etc. as well.
> I didn't received the screenshot.
> Today Andreas posted something concerning the fonts and the way they
> are handled by wxWindows to the wx-users list. Firsts replies seem to
> refer to gtk2 and its gtkrc files. So, it seems that the settings we
> are looking for may be found in global gtkrc-2.0 or in users' one.
> I did a test as root user in my unstable chrooted environment and here
> is the list of files that were looked for:
> /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
> /root/.gtkrc-2.0
> /root/.themes/Simple/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
> /usr/share/themes/Simple/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
> /root/.themes/Default/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc
> /usr/share/themes/Default/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc
> /usr/share/themes/Default/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc
> /usr/share/themes/Default/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc
> Another thing I noticed is the link with fontconfig library (fc-list,
> fc-cache commands).
> When you'll have more time can you please send me the results of a
> strace on pgadmin3 (the command I use is: 'strace -f pgadmin3') in
> your two environments (I mean enlightenment and gnome one) ? and may
> be have a look to your gtkrc files ?
> In the next days, I'll try to reproduce the problem you mentionned in
> a full debian unstable environment based on the dpkg --get-selections
> you sent to me yesterday.
> One more time, thank you for your answers. I really hope we'll figure
> out what's going on.
> Best,
> Raphaël
>>> Can you also send me a 'xlsfonts' ?
>> Attached.
>> Regards,
>> Oskar