Обсуждение: Jean-Michel legal information on the Wiki


Jean-Michel legal information on the Wiki

Jean-Michel POURE
Dear all,

I thought today about the possible legal consequences of me announcing by
error that "wxWindows was started in France" when I meant "wxWindows received
contributions in France". Sorry for that.

Therefore, I wrote more information on the wiki:

Most legal information is now there, always with my name 'Jean-Michel' in
front of each question. Keep in mind that the information comes from me, not
any lawyer. Therefore I always tried to answer with PROS and CONS.

I now cross-post to pgAdmin web site in case of technical problem as I
unregistered the main wx-dev discussion list and may not reach the wx team.

Also, I would like to make public that I will never wage any legal dispute
against any individual in the wx team. It seems pretty clear to me, I am
doing my best to help and inform you.

My only recommendations are:
- create a foundation,
- keep away from any assignment sent to the US.

My role is now ending.

Kindest regards,