Обсуждение: pgAdmin III 1.2 Beta-3 released


pgAdmin III 1.2 Beta-3 released

Andreas Pflug
The pgAdmin Development Team are pleased to announce the third Beta
version of pgAdmin III v1.2.0, the well-known GUI administration tool
for the PostgreSQL database system.

Again, we were able to fix a lot of issues that have been discovered by
our diligent beta testers. Thanks to all of you!
Here's an excerpt from the changelog covering all changes since Beta-2:

- use wxWidgets 2.5.3
- change unsigned conversion for oids
- Prevent StatusBar from being overwritten by Toolbar
- Connect to databases with special names
- review object owner code regarding pgsql versions
- remove maximize button on MSW
- Fix new server ssl option duplication on connect failure
- Fix cast property crash
- Use PostgreSQL's list of keywords for syntax highlighting
- Fix adding columns with constraints using table properties on 7.3 and 7.4
- Drop rows correctly when selected in reverse in the edit grid. Also,
confirm drop first.
- Dynamically link libpq/OpenSSL for sensible installation with Win32

We've been planning to release RC1 right now, but the pgAdmin
Development Team decided to have this third beta to make sure that the
switch to the official wxWidgets 2.5.3 doesn't invent additional
problems. This move from our own wxWidgets snapshot to the official
version is a big advantage in terms of linux distribution integration of
pgAdmin III, so we took this step now instead of delaying it for the
next major version.

Please, give it a try and report any/all problems to