Обсуждение: SVN Commit by dpage: r4940 - in trunk/www: . development include support


SVN Commit by dpage: r4940 - in trunk/www: . development include support

Author: dpage
Date: 2006-01-20 09:46:15 +0000 (Fri, 20 Jan 2006)
New Revision: 4940

Integrate the list archives with the website

Modified: trunk/www/.htaccess
--- trunk/www/.htaccess    2006-01-20 09:28:34 UTC (rev 4939)
+++ trunk/www/.htaccess    2006-01-20 09:46:15 UTC (rev 4940)
@@ -34,4 +34,8 @@
 RewriteRule ^docs/1\.4/(.*)\.png$ /svnrepo/pgadmin3-1\.4/docs/en_US/$1\.png [QSA,L]

 # Requests like /docs/xx/yy need to be rewritten to /include/page.php?docset=xx&docpage=yy
-RewriteRule ^docs/(.[a-zA-Z0-9.]*)/(.*)$ /include/page.php?docset=$1&docpage=$2 [QSA,L]
+RewriteRule ^docs/(.[a-zA-Z0-9.]*)/(.*)$ /include/doc.php?docset=$1&docpage=$2 [QSA,L]
+# Similarly for the archives
+RewriteRule ^archives/(.[-a-zA-Z0-9.]*)/(.*)\.php$ /include/archives.php?list=$1&msg=$2\.php [QSA,L]

Modified: trunk/www/development/list.php
--- trunk/www/development/list.php    2006-01-20 09:28:34 UTC (rev 4939)
+++ trunk/www/development/list.php    2006-01-20 09:46:15 UTC (rev 4940)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@

 <p>' . sprintf(_("The pgadmin-hackers mailing list is intended for developers who wish to contribute to pgAdmin
project.You are more than welcome to subscribe, but please remember to use <a href=\"%s\">pgadmin-support</a> list for
enduser support issues. To subscribe to the mailing list, send an email to <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> with the word
'subscribe',without quotes, as the body of message."), "../support/list.php",
"mailto:pgadmin-hackers-request@postgresql.org","pgadmin-hackers-request@postgresql.org") . '</p> 

-<p>' . sprintf(_("Messages sent to the list are archived at <a href=\"%s\">PostgreSQL</a> and  <a
"http://www.mail-archive.com/pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org"). '</p> 
+<p>' . sprintf(_("Messages sent to the list may be browsed <a href=\"%s\">here</a> and are archived at <a
href=\"%s\">PostgreSQL</a>and  <a href=\"%s\">mail-archive.com</a>."), "/archives/pgadmin-hackers/index.php",
"http://archives.postgresql.org/pgadmin-hackers/","http://www.mail-archive.com/pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org") . '</p> 


Modified: trunk/www/development/menu.php
--- trunk/www/development/menu.php    2006-01-20 09:28:34 UTC (rev 4939)
+++ trunk/www/development/menu.php    2006-01-20 09:46:15 UTC (rev 4940)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 <div' . www_current_menu_page("svn.php") . '><a href="svn.php">› ' . _("SVN access") . '</a></div>
 <div' . www_current_menu_page("http://svn.pgadmin.org/") . '><a href="http://svn.pgadmin.org/">› ' . _("SVN
browser"). '</a></div> 
 <div' . www_current_menu_page("list.php") . '><a href="list.php">› ' . _("Mailing list") . '</a></div>
+<div' . www_current_menu_page("/archives/pgadmin-hackers/index.php") . '><a
href="/archives/pgadmin-hackers/index.php">›' . _("List archives") . '</a></div> 
 <div' . www_current_menu_page("team.php") . '><a href="team.php">› ' . _("Team") . '</a></div>
 <div' . www_current_menu_page("todo.php") . '><a href="todo.php">› ' . _("TODO list") . '</a></div>
 <div' . www_current_menu_page("changelog.php") . '><a href="changelog.php">› ' . _("Change log") . '</a></div>

Added: trunk/www/include/archives.php
--- trunk/www/include/archives.php    2006-01-20 09:28:34 UTC (rev 4939)
+++ trunk/www/include/archives.php    2006-01-20 09:46:15 UTC (rev 4940)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+require $GLOBALS["_SERVER"]["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/page.php";
+if (isset($_GET['list']))
+  if (!isset($_GET['msg']) || $_GET['msg'] == "")
+    $_GET['docpage'] = 'index.php';
+  switch ($_GET['list']) {
+    case "pgadmin-support":
+      $docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/archives/pgadmin-support/";
+      break;
+    case "pgadmin-hackers":
+      $docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/archives/pgadmin-hackers/";
+      break;
+    default:
+      header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
+      www_page(_("Document not found"), sprintf("<p>%s</p>", _("The document requested does not exist!")), false);
+      exit;
+  }
+  $docpage = $_GET['msg'];
+  $docfile = $docroot . "/" . $docpage;
+  if (file_exists($docfile))
+  {
+    $docrawcontent = file_get_contents($docfile);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
+    www_page(_("Document not found"), sprintf("<p>%s</p>", _("The document requested does not exist!")), false);
+    exit();
+  }
+  // Check the raw content for a charset. If there is one, convert from it to UTF-8
+  if (preg_match('/<meta.*charset=([^"]*)/is', $docrawcontent, $matches) > 0)
+    $dociconvcontent = iconv($matches[1], "UTF-8//TRANSLIT", $docrawcontent);
+  else
+    $dociconvcontent = $docrawcontent;
+  if (preg_match("/<title[^>]*>(.*)<\/title>/is", $dociconvcontent, $matches) > 0)
+    $doctitle = $matches[1];
+  else
+    $doctitle = _("pgAdmin: Archives - Couldn't find the archive title!");
+  if (preg_match("/\?>(.*)<\?/is", $dociconvcontent, $matches) > 0)
+    $doccontent = $matches[1];
+  else
+    $doccontent = sprintf("<p>%s</p>", _("Couldn't find the archive content!"));
+  www_page($doctitle, $doccontent, false);

Added: trunk/www/include/doc.php
--- trunk/www/include/doc.php    2006-01-20 09:28:34 UTC (rev 4939)
+++ trunk/www/include/doc.php    2006-01-20 09:46:15 UTC (rev 4940)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+require $GLOBALS["_SERVER"]["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/page.php";
+// If this is a docpage, then generate our own content and title.
+if (isset($_GET['docset']))
+  if (!isset($_GET['docpage']) || $_GET['docpage'] == "")
+    $_GET['docpage'] = 'index.html';
+  switch ($_GET['docset']) {
+    case "1.4":
+      $docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/svnrepo/pgadmin3-1.4/docs/en_US";
+      $docheader = sprintf(_("pgAdmin %s online documentation"), "1.4");
+      break;
+    case "dev":
+      $docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/svnrepo/pgadmin3/docs/en_US";
+      $docheader = sprintf(_("pgAdmin %s online documentation"), _("Development"));
+      break;
+    default:
+      header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
+      www_page(_("Document not found"), sprintf("<p>%s</p>", _("The document requested does not exist!")), false);
+      exit;
+  }
+  $docpage = $_GET['docpage'];
+  $docfile = $docroot . "/" . $docpage;
+  if (file_exists($docfile))
+  {
+    $docrawcontent = file_get_contents($docfile);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
+    www_page(_("Document not found"), sprintf("<p>%s</p>", _("The document requested does not exist!")), false);
+    exit();
+  }
+  // Check the raw content for a charset. If there is one, convert from it to UTF-8
+  if (preg_match('/<meta.*charset=([^"]*)/is', $docrawcontent, $matches) > 0)
+    $dociconvcontent = iconv($matches[1], "UTF-8//TRANSLIT", $docrawcontent);
+  if ($dociconvcontent == "")
+    $dociconvcontent = $docrawcontent;
+  if (preg_match("/<title[^>]*>(.*)<\/title>/is", $dociconvcontent, $matches) > 0)
+    $doctitle = $matches[1];
+  else
+    $doctitle = _("pgAdmin: Documentation - Couldn't find the document title!");
+  $doccontent = "<h1>" . $docheader . "</h1>";
+  if (preg_match("/<body[^>]*>(.*)<\/body>/is", $dociconvcontent, $matches) > 0)
+    $doccontent .= $matches[1];
+  else
+    $doccontent .= sprintf("<p>%s</p>", _("Couldn't find the document content!"));
+  www_page($doctitle, $doccontent, false);

Modified: trunk/www/include/page.php
--- trunk/www/include/page.php    2006-01-20 09:28:34 UTC (rev 4939)
+++ trunk/www/include/page.php    2006-01-20 09:46:15 UTC (rev 4940)
@@ -3,66 +3,6 @@
 // Startup the session and setup the gettext stuff
 require $GLOBALS["_SERVER"]["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/session.php";

-// If this is a docpage, then generate our own content and title.
-if (isset($_GET['docset']))
-  if (!isset($_GET['docpage']) || $_GET['docpage'] == "")
-    $_GET['docpage'] = 'index.html';
-  switch ($_GET['docset']) {
-    case "1.4":
-      $docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/svnrepo/pgadmin3-1.4/docs/en_US";
-      $docheader = sprintf(_("pgAdmin %s online documentation"), "1.4");
-      break;
-    case "dev":
-      $docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/svnrepo/pgadmin3/docs/en_US";
-      $docheader = sprintf(_("pgAdmin %s online documentation"), _("Development"));
-      break;
-    default:
-      header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
-      www_page(_("Document not found"), sprintf("<p>%s</p>", _("The document requested does not exist!")), false);
-      exit;
-  }
-  $docpage = $_GET['docpage'];
-  $docfile = $docroot . "/" . $docpage;
-  if (file_exists($docfile))
-  {
-    $docrawcontent = file_get_contents($docfile);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
-    www_page(_("Document not found"), sprintf("<p>%s</p>", _("The document requested does not exist!")), false);
-    exit();
-  }
-  // Check the raw content for a charset. If there is one, convert from it to UTF-8
-  if (preg_match('/<meta.*charset=([^"]*)/is', $docrawcontent, $matches) > 0)
-    $dociconvcontent = iconv($matches[1], "UTF-8//TRANSLIT", $docrawcontent);
-  if ($dociconvcontent == "")
-    $dociconvcontent = $docrawcontent;
-  if (preg_match("/<title[^>]*>(.*)<\/title>/is", $dociconvcontent, $matches) > 0)
-    $doctitle = $matches[1];
-  else
-    $doctitle = _("pgAdmin: Documentation - Couldn't find the document title!");
-  $doccontent = "<h1>" . $docheader . "</h1>";
-  if (preg_match("/<body[^>]*>(.*)<\/body>/is", $dociconvcontent, $matches) > 0)
-    $doccontent .= $matches[1];
-  else
-    $doccontent .= sprintf("<p>%s</p>", _("Couldn't find the document content!"));
-  www_page($doctitle, $doccontent, false);
 function www_current_menu_section($SECTION)
   if (dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == $SECTION || dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . "/" == $SECTION)

Modified: trunk/www/support/list.php
--- trunk/www/support/list.php    2006-01-20 09:28:34 UTC (rev 4939)
+++ trunk/www/support/list.php    2006-01-20 09:46:15 UTC (rev 4940)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
   <li>' . _("Steps required to reproduce the problem. Please include a simple scheme with optional data if required.
Thismay be sent privately <b>upon request from a developer</b> if you are concerned about posting sample code or data
toa public mailing list.") . '<br /> </li> 

-<p>' . sprintf(_("Messages sent to the list are archived at <a href=\"%s\">PostgreSQL</a> and  <a
"http://www.mail-archive.com/pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org"). '</p> 
+<p>' . sprintf(_("Messages sent to the list may be browsed <a href=\"%s\">here</a> and are archived at <a
href=\"%s\">PostgreSQL</a>and  <a href=\"%s\">mail-archive.com</a>."), "/archives/pgadmin-support/index.php",
"http://archives.postgresql.org/pgadmin-hackers/","http://www.mail-archive.com/pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org") . '</p> 

 <p>' . _("Please <b>do not</b> send an email directly to one of the programmers; they might miss it, or even be the
wrongperson at all. Using the mailing list guarantees that your request isn't lost and will be answered in a timely
fashion."). '</p> 

Modified: trunk/www/support/menu.php
--- trunk/www/support/menu.php    2006-01-20 09:28:34 UTC (rev 4939)
+++ trunk/www/support/menu.php    2006-01-20 09:46:15 UTC (rev 4940)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 <div' . www_current_menu_page("index.php") . '><a href="index.php">› ' . _("Introduction") . '</a></div>
 <div' . www_current_menu_page("faq.php") . '><a href="faq.php">› ' . _("FAQ") . '</a></div>
 <div' . www_current_menu_page("list.php") . '><a href="list.php">› ' . _("Mailing list") . '</a></div>
+<div' . www_current_menu_page("/archives/pgadmin-support/index.php") . '><a
href="/archives/pgadmin-support/index.php">›' . _("List archives") . '</a></div> 
 <div' . www_current_menu_page("issues.php") . '><a href="issues.php">› ' . _("Known issues") . '</a></div>