Обсуждение: Re: pgstattuple TODO item


Re: pgstattuple TODO item

Dave Page
Guillaume Lelarge wrote:
> Hi all,


> I worked on my TODO item tonight. You'll find a first patch attached
> (but not to be commited on SVN).

Cool :-)

> It works like the rows' count on a table. Select a table, right-click on
> the property grid, select "Execute pgstattuple". If the pgstattuple
> function doesn't exist, you'll get an error. If it is available, pgAdmin
> will refresh the property grid with the new informations.
> I don't know how to handle two issues.
> I didn't add some code to automatically detect if pgstattuple is
> installed. I don't know if I should add a new public method in pgCon
> class or use the HasFeature method. If the database doesn't have
> pgstattuple, should I disable the menu item or should I hide it ?

You should use HasFeature.

> I don't like the way I display all these rows. Can I put them in a new
> tab ? like the Statistics one ?

I think they should be added to the existing statistics, rather than
being on a new tab. Just extend pgTable::ShowStatistics as has already
been done for FEATURE_SIZE, and get rid of the menu item altogether.

BTW; *if* it were to be done from the menu (which I don't think it
should), you would use executePgstattupleFactory::CheckEnable to hide
the option if HasFeature fails, as well as to show of hide it depending
on the selected object type.

Regards, Dave

Re: pgstattuple TODO item

Guillaume Lelarge
Dave Page a ecrit le 04/01/2007 09:51:
>> I didn't add some code to automatically detect if pgstattuple is
>> installed. I don't know if I should add a new public method in pgCon
>> class or use the HasFeature method. If the database doesn't have
>> pgstattuple, should I disable the menu item or should I hide it ?
> You should use HasFeature.

I asked this because only adminpack features were checked within this
method. But it will be simpler to use it.

>> I don't like the way I display all these rows. Can I put them in a new
>> tab ? like the Statistics one ?
> I think they should be added to the existing statistics, rather than
> being on a new tab. Just extend pgTable::ShowStatistics as has already
> been done for FEATURE_SIZE, and get rid of the menu item altogether.

OK. I first chose to use a menu because executing pgstattuple on a big
table (more than a gig) is really slow.

> BTW; *if* it were to be done from the menu (which I don't think it
> should), you would use executePgstattupleFactory::CheckEnable to hide
> the option if HasFeature fails, as well as to show of hide it depending
> on the selected object type.

I'll first get rid of the menu. I forgot to ask if I can add a hint
about vacuuming if dead_rows_percent is way too high. Are you OK with this ?



Re: pgstattuple TODO item

Dave Page
Guillaume Lelarge wrote:
> OK. I first chose to use a menu because executing pgstattuple on a big
> table (more than a gig) is really slow.

Hmm, OK. In that case, perhaps it should remain, and append the
additional data to the stats tab having selected, and populated it as
normal first. If the tab is already shown, then it can just append the
data of course.

I think 'Get extended statistics' or similar might be a better name for
the option though - best not to use the cryptic function name.

>> BTW; *if* it were to be done from the menu (which I don't think it
>> should), you would use executePgstattupleFactory::CheckEnable to hide
>> the option if HasFeature fails, as well as to show of hide it depending
>> on the selected object type.
> I'll first get rid of the menu. I forgot to ask if I can add a hint
> about vacuuming if dead_rows_percent is way too high. Are you OK with
> this ?


Regards, Dave

Re: pgstattuple TODO item

Guillaume Lelarge
Dave Page a écrit :
> Guillaume Lelarge wrote:
>> OK. I first chose to use a menu because executing pgstattuple on a big
>> table (more than a gig) is really slow.
> Hmm, OK. In that case, perhaps it should remain, and append the
> additional data to the stats tab having selected, and populated it as
> normal first. If the tab is already shown, then it can just append the
> data of course.
> I think 'Get extended statistics' or similar might be a better name for
> the option though - best not to use the cryptic function name.

This is exactly what I did. You'll find attached my new patch.


<!-- http://abs.traduc.org/
     http://docs.postgresqlfr.org/ -->
Index: pgadmin/include/schema/pgTable.h
--- pgadmin/include/schema/pgTable.h    (révision 5851)
+++ pgadmin/include/schema/pgTable.h    (copie de travail)
@@ -86,10 +86,13 @@
     bool CanRestore() { return true; }
     bool WantDummyChild() { return true; }
     bool GetCanHint();
+    bool GetShowExtendedStatistics() { return showExtendedStatistics; }
+    void iSetShowExtendedStatistics(bool b) { showExtendedStatistics = b; }

     bool HasStats() { return true; }
     bool HasDepends() { return true; }
     bool HasReferences() { return true; }
+    bool HasPgstattuple();

     wxMenu *GetNewMenu();
     wxString GetSql(ctlTree *browser);
@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@
     void AppendStuff(wxString &sql, ctlTree *browser, pgaFactory &factory);
     wxULongLong rows;
     double estimatedRows;
-    bool hasOids, hasSubclass, rowsCounted, isReplicated;
+    bool hasOids, hasSubclass, rowsCounted, isReplicated, showExtendedStatistics;
     long inheritedTableCount;
     wxString quotedInheritedTables, inheritedTables, primaryKey, quotedPrimaryKey,
         primaryKeyName, primaryKeyColNumbers, tablespace;
Index: pgadmin/include/utils/pgfeatures.h
--- pgadmin/include/utils/pgfeatures.h    (révision 5851)
+++ pgadmin/include/utils/pgfeatures.h    (copie de travail)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@

Index: pgadmin/include/dlg/dlgTable.h
--- pgadmin/include/dlg/dlgTable.h    (révision 5851)
+++ pgadmin/include/dlg/dlgTable.h    (copie de travail)
@@ -82,4 +82,13 @@
     bool CheckEnable(pgObject *obj);

+class executePgstattupleFactory : public contextActionFactory
+    executePgstattupleFactory(menuFactoryList *list, wxMenu *mnu, wxToolBar *toolbar);
+    wxWindow *StartDialog(frmMain *form, pgObject *obj);
+    bool CheckEnable(pgObject *obj);
Index: pgadmin/frm/frmMain.cpp
--- pgadmin/frm/frmMain.cpp    (révision 5851)
+++ pgadmin/frm/frmMain.cpp    (copie de travail)
@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@
     actionFactory *refFact=new refreshFactory(menuFactories, viewMenu, toolBar);
     new countRowsFactory(menuFactories, viewMenu, 0);
+    new executePgstattupleFactory(menuFactories, viewMenu, 0);

Index: pgadmin/db/pgConn.cpp
--- pgadmin/db/pgConn.cpp    (révision 5851)
+++ pgadmin/db/pgConn.cpp    (copie de travail)
@@ -370,6 +370,28 @@
             delete set;
+        sql=
+            wxT("SELECT proname, pronargs, proargtypes[0] AS arg0\n")
+            wxT("  FROM pg_proc\n")
+            wxT(" WHERE proname = 'pgstattuple'\n");
+        set=ExecuteSet(sql);
+        if (set)
+        {
+            while (!set->Eof())
+            {
+                wxString proname=set->GetVal(wxT("proname"));
+                long pronargs = set->GetLong(wxT("pronargs"));
+                if (proname == wxT("pgstattuple") && pronargs == 1 && set->GetLong(wxT("arg0")) == 25)
+                    features[FEATURE_PGSTATTUPLE]= true;
+                set->MoveNext();
+            }
+            delete set;
+        }

     if (featureNo <= FEATURE_INITIALIZED || featureNo >= FEATURE_LAST)
Index: pgadmin/schema/pgTable.cpp
--- pgadmin/schema/pgTable.cpp    (révision 5851)
+++ pgadmin/schema/pgTable.cpp    (copie de travail)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
     rowsCounted = false;
+    showExtendedStatistics = false;

@@ -636,6 +637,12 @@

+bool pgTable::HasPgstattuple()
+    return GetConnection()->HasFeature(FEATURE_PGSTATTUPLE);

@@ -690,6 +697,7 @@

         delete stats;

@@ -721,12 +729,31 @@
             +  wxT(", CASE WHEN cl.reltoastrelid = 0 THEN ") + qtDbString(_("none")) + wxT(" ELSE
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(cl.reltoastrelid)+COALESCE((SELECT SUM(pg_relation_size(indexrelid)) FROM pg_index
WHEREindrelid=cl.reltoastrelid)::int8, 0)) END AS ") + qtIdent(_("Toast Table Size")) 
             +  wxT(", pg_size_pretty(COALESCE((SELECT SUM(pg_relation_size(indexrelid)) FROM pg_index WHERE
indrelid=stat.relid)::int8,0)) AS ") + qtIdent(_("Indexes Size")); 
+    if (showExtendedStatistics)
+    {
+        sql += wxT("\n")
+               wxT(", tuple_count AS ") + qtIdent(_("Tuple Count")) + wxT(",\n")
+               wxT("  pg_size_pretty(tuple_len) AS ") + qtIdent(_("Tuple Length")) + wxT(",\n")
+               wxT("  tuple_percent AS ") + qtIdent(_("Tuple Percent")) + wxT(",\n")
+               wxT("  dead_tuple_count AS ") + qtIdent(_("Dead Tuple Count")) + wxT(",\n")
+               wxT("  pg_size_pretty(dead_tuple_len) AS ") + qtIdent(_("Dead Tuple Length")) + wxT(",\n")
+               wxT("  dead_tuple_percent AS ") + qtIdent(_("Dead Tuple Percent")) + wxT(",\n")
+               wxT("  pg_size_pretty(free_space) AS ") + qtIdent(_("Free Space")) + wxT(",\n")
+               wxT("  free_percent AS ") + qtIdent(_("Free Percent")) + wxT("\n")
+               wxT("  FROM pgstattuple('") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT("'), pg_stat_all_tables stat");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        sql += wxT("\n")
+               wxT("  FROM pg_stat_all_tables stat");
+    }
     sql +=  wxT("\n")
-        wxT("  FROM pg_stat_all_tables stat\n")
         wxT("  JOIN pg_statio_all_tables statio ON stat.relid = statio.relid\n")
         wxT("  JOIN pg_class cl ON cl.oid=stat.relid\n")
         wxT(" WHERE stat.relid = ") + GetOidStr();

     DisplayStatistics(statistics, sql);

Index: pgadmin/dlg/dlgTable.cpp
--- pgadmin/dlg/dlgTable.cpp    (révision 5851)
+++ pgadmin/dlg/dlgTable.cpp    (copie de travail)
@@ -1171,3 +1171,27 @@
     return obj && obj->IsCreatedBy(tableFactory);
+executePgstattupleFactory::executePgstattupleFactory(menuFactoryList *list, wxMenu *mnu, wxToolBar *toolbar) :
+    mnu->Append(id, _("&Get extended statistics"), _("Get extended statistics via pgstattuple on the selected
+wxWindow *executePgstattupleFactory::StartDialog(frmMain *form, pgObject *obj)
+    ((pgTable*)obj)->iSetShowExtendedStatistics(true);
+    wxTreeItemId item=form->GetBrowser()->GetSelection();
+    if (obj == form->GetBrowser()->GetObject(item))
+        obj->ShowTreeDetail(form->GetBrowser(), 0, form->GetProperties());
+    return 0;
+bool executePgstattupleFactory::CheckEnable(pgObject *obj)
+    return obj && obj->IsCreatedBy(tableFactory) && ((pgTable*)obj)->HasPgstattuple();

Re: pgstattuple TODO item

Dave Page
Guillaume Lelarge wrote:
> Dave Page a écrit :
>> Guillaume Lelarge wrote:
>>> OK. I first chose to use a menu because executing pgstattuple on a big
>>> table (more than a gig) is really slow.
>> Hmm, OK. In that case, perhaps it should remain, and append the
>> additional data to the stats tab having selected, and populated it as
>> normal first. If the tab is already shown, then it can just append the
>> data of course.
>> I think 'Get extended statistics' or similar might be a better name for
>> the option though - best not to use the cryptic function name.
> This is exactly what I did. You'll find attached my new patch.

Thanks Guillaume, patch applied with a few changes:

- I added infrastructure to allow the menuFactories to support checkable
items. This allows us to show a check against the option for tables that
have extended stats switched on.

- I made the extended stats a toggle option so they can be turned off again.

- I moved the HasFeature check into the same SQL query as the existing
ones, and removed the "nothing is in public in 8.1+" restriction which
seemed kinda pointless.

- When you select the option, it will now automatically update and
display the Statistics tab. Unchecking it does nothing.

Thanks again,
