Обсуждение: Query Builder in pgAdmin for GSoC 2008


Query Builder in pgAdmin for GSoC 2008

"Robins Tharakan"

I read about Google Summer of Code recently and being involved with pgAdmin since a few weeks, would like to add the Query Builder feature to pgAdmin, as a part of this programme.

I have been reading GSoC related emails in the past year on various PG lists, and believe that keeping a project realistic is as important as it being ambitious. My current time therefore, is spent in reading about wxWidgets and its graphical capabilities, as well as how comfortable I need to get to be able to start working on it.

I understand that someone was interested in looking into the query builder at FOSDEM earlier. Since I am still into reading, I thought this probably is the right time to ask. Is anyone working on a Query Builder for pgAdmin yet ?

Robins Tharakan

p.s. : Mistakenly I posted this to pgsql-hackers earlier. Posting it again to pgadmin-hackers here.