Обсуждение: Building/Running PGADMIN4


Building/Running PGADMIN4

Weston Weems
I've been following the chain of emails back and forth and have actually been able to build on osx for a while, but I get this when trying to start... (just double clicking pgAdmin4 .app it spat out

An error occurred initialising the applicaiton server: "Failed to launch the application server, server thread exiting"

Is there any sort of logging I can turn on to be able to further troubleshoot?

I'd like to be able to evaluate where things are and potentially help out etc.


Re: Building/Running PGADMIN4

Weston Weems
Ahh running from command prompt I could see what was broke...

I was missing a bunch of python modules... got thorugh a bunch of it but ultimately failed to get past Flask-Gravatar.

Is there any chance that in the future pgadmin4 will be distributed as a single executable (.app in the osx world), vs having that app and having to setup python perfectly?



Re: Building/Running PGADMIN4

Dave Page

On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Weston Weems <wweems@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ahh running from command prompt I could see what was broke...
> I was missing a bunch of python modules... got thorugh a bunch of it but
> ultimately failed to get past Flask-Gravatar.
> Is there any chance that in the future pgadmin4 will be distributed as a
> single executable (.app in the osx world), vs having that app and having to
> setup python perfectly?

That is the intention, though right now we're concentrating on the
Python code that does the all the real work. The C++ code is really
just a runtime for desktop users (the Python code can also be deployed
on a web server for multiple users) - plus it hasn't been touched in a
long time and is known to have a threading issue that prevents it
working properly with the current Python code.

Unless you want to get involved in the development, there's probably
not much point in playing with the code yet - it only just connects to
Postgres at the moment, and can't even list databases or server
properties at the moment.

Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company