Обсуждение: Problem connecting to PostgreSQL 7.3 using pgAdmin II v1.4.12


Problem connecting to PostgreSQL 7.3 using pgAdmin II v1.4.12

"Lin Jianfong"

I have been having this odd problem for a while of sometimes being able to
connect to the database server and at other times, pgAdmin II simply refuses
to connect with error message "could not connect to server. Could not
connect to remote socket".

I know the primary reason for this is postgresql.conf "tcpip_socket = 1" is
not set, but I have checked that and it was set to 1. The really odd thing
is, I have no problem whatsoever to connect to the database server using php
script I wrote, which implies that the database server is indeed listening
on port 5432 and it is accepting tcp ip connection, and firewall is not
causing a problem. Just that, pgAdmin II cannot do it. At least pgAdmin II
worked for a while and for some reason, it no longer worked this morning.

The database server is installed and run on a Linux RH 8.0 machine, and
pgAdmin II is installed on a Windows 2000 machine. Both machines are on the
same network.

I'm really stumped on this. Any ideas appreciated.

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Re: Problem connecting to PostgreSQL 7.3 using pgAdmin II v1.4.12

"Dave Page"

On your windows machine, if you telnet to your server on port 5432, then
hit return a couple of times, what do you see? It should be something
like the following:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\>telnet postgresql 5432

Connected to nibbler.vale-housing.co.uk.
Escape character is '^]'.

EFATAL:  invalid length of startup packet
 Connection closed by foreign host.

Regards, Dave.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lin Jianfong [mailto:ljfong@hotmail.com]
> Sent: 03 April 2003 01:37
> To: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] Problem connecting to PostgreSQL
> 7.3 using pgAdmin II v1.4.12
> Hi,
> I have been having this odd problem for a while of sometimes
> being able to
> connect to the database server and at other times, pgAdmin II
> simply refuses
> to connect with error message "could not connect to server. Could not
> connect to remote socket".
> I know the primary reason for this is postgresql.conf
> "tcpip_socket = 1" is
> not set, but I have checked that and it was set to 1. The
> really odd thing
> is, I have no problem whatsoever to connect to the database
> server using php
> script I wrote, which implies that the database server is
> indeed listening
> on port 5432 and it is accepting tcp ip connection, and
> firewall is not
> causing a problem. Just that, pgAdmin II cannot do it. At
> least pgAdmin II
> worked for a while and for some reason, it no longer worked
> this morning.
> The database server is installed and run on a Linux RH 8.0
> machine, and
> pgAdmin II is installed on a Windows 2000 machine. Both
> machines are on the
> same network.
> I'm really stumped on this. Any ideas appreciated.
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