Обсуждение: Re: bugs in Query tool... case sensitivity conflict with the rest of PgAdmin created object... explicit schema required


> -----Original Message-----
> From: BillR [mailto:bill@williamrosmus.com]
> Sent: 29 November 2005 20:50
> To: Dave Page
> Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] bugs in Query tool... case
> sensitivity conflict with the rest of PgAdmin created
> object... explicit schema required
> Hi Dave,
>     from my scenario, what I saw is that the Query tool is
> changing names
> to lower case.  For example, in the DDL I typed in the Query tool:
> create table WorkSchema.PERSON ...  not all lower case.

No, PostgreSQL folds all unquoted identifiers to lower case, not
pgAdmin. The query you enter in pgAdmin (which would need to be CREATE
TABLE "WorkSchema"."PERSON"...) is exactly what you would need to enter
in psql or any other application you might use.

The dialogues shield you from all the SQL so you don't need to know
about the quoting. If you're writing raw SQL queries though, it is
expected that you know the syntax and semantics offered by the server.

NTIFIERS for details.

Regards, Dave.