Обсуждение: Comments cut off after line break


Comments cut off after line break

Erwin Brandstetter
Hi developers! Hi Dave!

Using pgAdmin III v1.6.1 rev: 5709, client Win XP. Host Debian Sarge, PG 

In the object browser comments are appended to the columns of a table 
definition, which is useful.
But it looks like those comments are cut off after the first line break.
Simple test case:
   CREATE TABLE test   (     a integer -- First line of comment   )   WITHOUT OIDS;
   COMMENT ON COLUMN test.a IS 'First line of comment   Second line.   Third line of comment.';

psql gives unabbreviated comments:   \d+ test

Maybe this happens on purpose to shorten lengthy comments. But then 
again, a better way would probably be to print the first x (200?) 
characters (substituting spaces for linebreaks) and append ' ...' if 
there is more.
This is not a major problem, but misleading sometimes. Might be easy to fix.
I remember similar (graver) problems with line breaks in 1.6 beta, which 
you fixed. Looks like this one got away.


Re: Comments cut off after line break

Dave Page
Erwin Brandstetter wrote:

> Maybe this happens on purpose to shorten lengthy comments.

It does.

> But then 
> again, a better way would probably be to print the first x (200?) 
> characters (substituting spaces for linebreaks) and append ' ...' if 
> there is more.

Chopping at the first line is more flexible as it allows the user some 
control over what is shown there. I have committed a change to add ... 
if it truncates at all though.

Cheers, Dave

Re: Comments cut off after line break

Erwin Brandstetter
dpage@postgresql.org wrote:
> Erwin Brandstetter wrote:
>> Maybe this happens on purpose to shorten lengthy comments.
> It does.
>> But then again, a better way would probably be to print the first x 
>> (200?) characters (substituting spaces for linebreaks) and append ' 
>> ...' if there is more.
> Chopping at the first line is more flexible as it allows the user some 
> control over what is shown there. I have committed a change to add ... 
> if it truncates at all though.

Even better so, I agree.
