Обсуждение: Vacuum nag !


Vacuum nag !

Laurent ROCHE

I am working on an import of databases, so I keep dropping and re-creating schemas, and then populating tables.

Even, if I do a VACUUM ANALYSE on the entire DB, PG Admin will prompt me to perform a VACUUM when I use one of the
Is this normal ?
I would have thought that considering I have already done a VACUUM ANALYSE, I would not need to do it again ! ;-) ...
oram I missing something ? 

I could check the "don't give me experts advice" in the preferences, but as I am quite a newbee in PG, I feel I need
them! ;-) 

The Computing Froggy

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Re: Vacuum nag !

"Joris Dobbelsteen"
I have the feeling this could be caused by pgAdmin because it is caching information. Perhaps that a refresh of the
databaseis a workarround.  

Unfortunally I'm no expert and I'm not sure about this.

- Joris

>-----Original Message-----
>From: pgadmin-support-owner@postgresql.org
>[mailto:pgadmin-support-owner@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of
>Laurent ROCHE
>Sent: donderdag 18 januari 2007 13:55
>To: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
>Subject: [pgadmin-support] Vacuum nag !
>I am working on an import of databases, so I keep dropping and
>re-creating schemas, and then populating tables.
>Even, if I do a VACUUM ANALYSE on the entire DB, PG Admin will
>prompt me to perform a VACUUM when I use one of the tables populated.
>Is this normal ?
>I would have thought that considering I have already done a
>VACUUM ANALYSE, I would not need to do it again ! ;-) ... or
>am I missing something ?
>I could check the "don't give me experts advice" in the
>preferences, but as I am quite a newbee in PG, I feel I need them ! ;-)
>The Computing Froggy
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Re: Vacuum nag !

Dave Page
Joris Dobbelsteen wrote:
> I have the feeling this could be caused by pgAdmin because it is caching information. Perhaps that a refresh of the
databaseis a workarround. 
> Unfortunally I'm no expert and I'm not sure about this.

You should refresh the table node following vacuum and check that the
estimated rows matches (or is close to) the counted rows. If they are
wildly different, then you need to vacuum (and pgAdmin will most likely
display the hint).

Regards Dave