Обсуждение: Uninstall procedure for pgadmin3 under Mac OS X 10.3


Uninstall procedure for pgadmin3 under Mac OS X 10.3

Yannick DEVOS
Dear pgadmin support community members,

I need your help for some tricky problem that I was unable to solve.

I am using pgadmin under Mac OS X Panther (10.3.9).
The newest pgadmin releases only support Tiger (10.4) since they are
compiled with dynamic links against 10.4 libraries and frameworks.
Some weeks ago, one of you kindely helped me (I think it was Dave, but
sorry, I am not sure anymore) in making a special 1.6.0 build for me.

Few days ago I decided to try 1.6.2 but I forgot that it does not work
with 10.3.
I installed it, and it crashes.

No problem, I thought, I just have to delete the pgadmin "binary" (in
fact a bundle under OS X "Applications" folder), and then install back
1.6.0 "Panther" build.
No way, the installation fails when I want to choose my apps disk in
"Choose target" screen. The error is a bit cryptic for me, the message
is (in fact it is in french, my translation could be errored) "You
cannot install this software on this volume. (null)".
I tried to delete preferences files or "Application support" files I
found in my "user"/Library, but it still failing...

What is the procedure to uninstall it ?
I looked after help or docs on the internet, but it was unsuccessfull.

Thanks for your help,

PS : You could told me that I'd better compile my own pgadmin build. I
will, but just for now I am too busy to spend time in compiling
wxwidgets and so on.
Hanh DOAN et Yannick DEVOS - Nature-Mekong
Savourer les délices du delta

Re: Uninstall procedure for pgadmin3 under Mac

Dave Page
Yannick DEVOS wrote:
> Dear pgadmin support community members,
> I need your help for some tricky problem that I was unable to solve.
> I am using pgadmin under Mac OS X Panther (10.3.9).
> The newest pgadmin releases only support Tiger (10.4) since they are
> compiled with dynamic links against 10.4 libraries and frameworks.
> Some weeks ago, one of you kindely helped me (I think it was Dave, but
> sorry, I am not sure anymore) in making a special 1.6.0 build for me.
> Few days ago I decided to try 1.6.2 but I forgot that it does not work
> with 10.3.
> I installed it, and it crashes.
> No problem, I thought, I just have to delete the pgadmin "binary" (in
> fact a bundle under OS X "Applications" folder), and then install back
> 1.6.0 "Panther" build.
> No way, the installation fails when I want to choose my apps disk in
> "Choose target" screen. The error is a bit cryptic for me, the message
> is (in fact it is in french, my translation could be errored) "You
> cannot install this software on this volume. (null)".
> I tried to delete preferences files or "Application support" files I
> found in my "user"/Library, but it still failing...
> What is the procedure to uninstall it ?
> I looked after help or docs on the internet, but it was unsuccessfull.

Just delete the appbundle from the Applications folder as you've done -
thats all the installer puts on your machine.

Are you sure it's definitely gone? Try having a look using a terminal:

ls -al /Applications | grep pgAdmin

Regards, Dave.

Re: Uninstall procedure for pgadmin3 under Mac OS X 10.3

Yannick DEVOS
Hi Dave,

I finally had time to investigate a bit more on this problem.

The pgadmin3 installer is really simple, so I don't understand why it
does not work.
In OS X installer there is often some "InstallationCheck" scripts (in
Perl for example) that does some checks.
But in this case, not...
Perhaps it's a file system permission issue on my computer, but I
cannot find which one.

So I unpacked the "Archive.pax.gz" file contained inside the "Contents"
directory of the package (himself a directory, in fact), with "zcat
Archive.pax.gz | pax -rv.
And then I have copied the result in my /Applications directory. Now
everything is working right!

I hope this could be useful for someone later...

Hanh DOAN et Yannick DEVOS - Nature-Mekong
Savourer les délices du delta
Le 20 janv. 07, à 09:00, Yannick DEVOS a écrit :

> Hi Dave,
> I did not find anything relevant other Google...
> I cannot see any error message in the console/system log files.
> Latter I will try to run the usual "fix permission" scripts stuff in
> OS X, perhaps it will help, who knows ^_^
> Thanks for your proposal, but for now I am OK without pgadmin.
> I use phppgadmin that is not so bad after all...
> I really miss the SQL editor (for editing large functions) and some
> objects administration (types for example), but for the work I have to
> do know it's ok.
> Later I will try to compile my own pgadmin build.
> Best regards,
> Yannick.
> ---
> Hanh DOAN et Yannick DEVOS - Nature-Mekong
> Savourer les délices du delta
> http://www.nature-mekong.com/
> Le 19 janv. 07, à 16:57, Dave Page a écrit :
>> Yannick DEVOS wrote:
>>> Thanks Dave for your help,
>>> The files are really erased...
>>> I also looked for hidden files in my home directory, but I found
>>> none.
>> In which case I don't know what to suggest - I don't really the OSX
>> installer well enough to suggest what might be causing th odd error.
>> You
>> might try searching for the *exact* error message on Google - as
>> I could mail you a dmg of the app bundle if you like.
>> Regards, Dave