Обсуждение: Re : Copy from Edit data, Paste into OpenOffice Spreadsheet


Re : Copy from Edit data, Paste into OpenOffice Spreadsheet

Laurent ROCHE
Well, it works for me too ... in english !
It's down to the problem I mentioned in another post: when using the French version "Tab" is translated by "Tabulation"
anddoes not produce Tab separated file ! 

I just need to shorten the string from Tabulation to Tab ... and it works even in French !
I suppose an easy way to avoid this would be to have a choice of separation characters with radio buttons (; , | tab)
andthe last one with an edit zone to be able to type in your own ! 

Have fun,
The Computing Froggy

----- Message d'origine ----
De : Dave Page <dpage@postgresql.org>
À : Laurent ROCHE <laurent_roche@yahoo.com>
Cc : pgadmin-support@postgresql.org; guillaume@lelarge.info
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 19 Janvier 2007, 17h24mn 56s
Objet : Re: [pgadmin-support] Copy from Edit data, Paste into OpenOffice Spreadsheet

Laurent ROCHE wrote:
> Hi Gals & Guys,
> Any of you  has achived to copy Copy from Edit data window and then Paste into OpenOffice Spreadsheet ?
> I have tryed to change the field separators parameter (File ==> Preferences, Request tab) but I still get everything
intoone column ! 
> It's probably an OOo bug, but I wondered whether there is a solution for this (except to paste the data into a text
fileand open the text file into OOo spreadsheet, which I did). 

Tab works for me using NeoOffice on Mac (NeoOffice is a port of
OpenOffice to Mac's Aqua interface).

Regards, Dave

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Re: Re : Copy from Edit data, Paste into OpenOffice

Dave Page
Laurent ROCHE wrote:
> Well, it works for me too ... in english !
> It's down to the problem I mentioned in another post: when using the French version "Tab" is translated by
"Tabulation"and does not produce Tab separated file !
> I just need to shorten the string from Tabulation to Tab ... and it works even in French !
> I suppose an easy way to avoid this would be to have a choice of separation characters with radio buttons (; , | tab)
andthe last one with an edit zone to be able to type in your own !

Or easier yet, equate '\t' with _("Tab") rather than wxT("Tab") (the
former being the translated string, the later, a literal).

Commited for 1.6.3.

Regards, Dave