Обсуждение: Changing owner objects


Changing owner objects

Laurent ROCHE

Is there an easy way (in one go) to change the owner of all database objects with PG Admin ?

I am creating  a schema with a script that assign the objects owner to login (I mean conection role) A .
Then I switch the schema owner to login (/conection role) B.

But the objects are still owned by A.
Is there an easy way in PG Admin to change the owner obejcts from A to B ?

I have created a little script doing this but it's a shame I can not do this easily in PG Admin.
(because my script is still a bit of a manual process as I don't know the PG database well enough to have a completely

May be, we changing the schema owner, PG Admin could prompt whether the schema objects owner should be changed as well
(foreach objects). 

The Computing Froggy

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Re: Changing owner objects

Guillaume Lelarge
Laurent ROCHE a ecrit le 09/03/2007 12:58:
> Is there an easy way (in one go) to change the owner of all database objects with PG Admin ?
> I am creating  a schema with a script that assign the objects owner to login (I mean conection role) A .
> Then I switch the schema owner to login (/conection role) B.
> But the objects are still owned by A.
> Is there an easy way in PG Admin to change the owner obejcts from A to B ?

If you use PostgreSQL 8.2, you can  REASSIGN OWNED BY A TO B;

Use of REASSIGN/DROP OWNED is on the roadmap 
(http://www.pgadmin.org/development/roadmap.php) but they aren't done yet.

> I have created a little script doing this but it's a shame I can not do this easily in PG Admin.
> (because my script is still a bit of a manual process as I don't know the PG database well enough to have a
completelyautomatic script).
> May be, we changing the schema owner, PG Admin could prompt whether the schema objects owner should be changed as
well(for each objects).

We aren't sure that all objects in this schema are owned by the same 
user. But perhaps we can add some code to "emulate" REASSIGN OWNED for 
older PostgreSQL releases.

