Обсуждение: Google Summer of Code - pgAdmin


Google Summer of Code - pgAdmin

Dave Page

The PostgreSQL project will be participating in this years Google Summer
Of Code (http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html) and considering
project proposals for work on pgAdmin. The program is only open to
students who must submit a project proposal, and if selected, implement
their proposal over the summer, earning up to $4500 for a successfully
completed project.

The PostgreSQL SoC page can be found at
http://www.postgresql.org/developer/summerofcode, and includes some
ideas for pgAdmin projects.

We'd love to see some proposals again this year, but before you spend
lots of time on one, please make sure that you are able and eligible to
participate given Google's rules and timetable and any other commitments
you may have.

You are also encouraged to discuss your idea on the
pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org mailing list, or if you prefer, privately
with me before you submit to ensure you aren't considering something
that's been previously rejected, or wouldn't be accepted for any other

Good luck!

Regards, Dave