Обсуждение: pgAdmin - notice of intent to change licence


pgAdmin - notice of intent to change licence

Dave Page
I recently posted a notice publicising the pgAdmin Development Team's
intent to change the licence of pgAdmin from the Artistic Licence v1.0
to v2.0 in order to address ambiguities with the original text.

Unfortunately we were unable to change the licence as we had hoped,
and in order to resolve the problems encountered have decided to
change the licence to the PostgreSQL variant of the BSD licence

If you have contributed to the pgAdmin project in the past and have
not received an email about the change from me already, please contact
me as soon as possible with any comments, questions or objections.

We intend to go ahead with the licence change on or shortly after the
23rd March 2009.

Regards, Dave.

Dave Page
pgAdmin Project Lead