Обсуждение: [ERROR ] Unknown exception: bad allocation


[ERROR ] Unknown exception: bad allocation

Dear Support

I'm not an expert and I'm trying to use a function I wrote in postgresql that doesn't work as I expected.
so I'm testing a part of the function in a small pgscript:

set @i = 9.95;
set @h = 10000;
set @e = 2518825.53769669;
set @n = 4557597.6818137;

select  id, ccod, distanza,        dev.fun_i_d_blake(@i::double precision, distanza::double precision, @h::double
precision)as intens,       x_coord, y_coord from (   select id, ccod, x_coord, y_coord,
st_distance(ST_GeometryFromText('POINT('|| x_coord || ' ' || y_coord || ')', 26592),
ST_GeometryFromText('POINT('|| @e || ' ' || @n || ')', 26592) ) as distanza   from dev.dist_int ) as calcdist; 

if I execute the content of the script without parameters, as SQL it works.
when I try to execute this script after some time I have:

[QUERY    ] select  id, ccod, distanza,                    dev.fun_i_d_blake(9.95::double precision, distanza::double
precision,10000::double precision) as intens,                   x_coord, y_coord             from             (
     select id, ccod, x_coord, y_coord,                 st_distance(ST_GeometryFromText('POINT ('|| x_coord || ' ' ||
y_coord|| ')', 26592),                            ST_GeometryFromText('POINT( '|| 2518825.53769669 || ' ' ||
4557597.6818137|| ')', 26592) ) as distanza               from dev.dist_int             ) as calcdist 
[ERROR    ] Unknown exception:
bad allocation

this error. can someone help me? thank you!
|| stefano nardone
||email: stefan0n@yahoo.com