Обсуждение: pgAgent win32 service setup


pgAgent win32 service setup


I've been trying to install pgAgent on a new server, and running into
the same problems as described here:


However, the old solutions have not seemed to help.  The service is
running as the local service account (same as the old server), and the
connection string passed on the command-line is identical to the old
server, on which pgAgent still starts up correctly and works.  On the
new server, the error is "Couldn't create the primary connection
(attempt 10): fe_sendauth: no password supplied".  The pgpass file is
in the same location, C:\Documents and Settings\Default User
\Application Data\postgresql\, that allows it to work on the old
server (just to be sure, I renamed just that file to something else,
and sure enough, pgAgent would no longer start, giving the above

If I copy the password from the pgpass file and pass it on the command
line, it works fine, but of course, that's not recommended for
security reasons.  So I know the pgpass file contents are right.  Also
I've checked the host and port many times, and an identical copy of
that file lets me log in via pgAdminIII.

I know the permissions on the pgpass file are right because they're
identical to the old server.

Oddly enough, if I use 'DEBUG -l 2', on both servers it fails due to
the password being blank.  But I go 'net start pgagent' and on the old
one it succeeds, but the new one it fails.  The command line strings
are identical.

What else is there for me to check?

Thanks in advance for your help,