Обсуждение: pgAgent 3.4.0 - unhandled unknown exception


pgAgent 3.4.0 - unhandled unknown exception

"Dr. Michael Iverson"
I’m migrating a database from postgres 9.2 to 9.3, and I’m having persistent problems getting pageant (3.4.0) running.
Ihave no problems running pgagent on my old server (pg 9.2.4, agent 3.2.1). Any assistance you can provide would be

I’m able to start a task. However, the task will execute once, and then hang in the “Running” state until I manually
kickthe pgagent process. 
Once killed, the task transitions to the “Aborted” status.

running pageant on the command line, I get the error "*** Caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating” from the

I can confirm that the SQL I’m executing completes successfully, and the transaction is committed to the database.

I’m running a fully patched version of ubuntu 14.04, with the following packages: 

pgagent             3.4.0-2.pgdg14.04+1 amd64 
postgresql-9.3             9.3.5-1.pgdg14.04+1 amd64 
postgresql-client-9.3         9.3.5-1.pgdg14.04+1 amd64
postgresql-client-common     154.pgdg14.04+1     all 
postgresql-common         154.pgdg14.04+1     all 
postgresql-contrib-9.3         9.3.5-1.pgdg14.04+1 amd64 

pgagent is running as the postgres user.

I have dropped and recreated the pgagent schema, and recreated my job from scratch, to ensure I don’t have a problem
migratingfrom the 3.2.1 schema. 

Below is some debugging output. The NOTICE messages are responses from my sql.

$ /usr/bin/pgagent -f -l 2 host=/var/run/postgresql dbname=postgres user=postgres
DEBUG: Creating primary connection
DEBUG: Connection Information:
DEBUG:      user         : postgres
DEBUG:      port         : 0
DEBUG:      host         : /var/run/postgresql
DEBUG:      dbname       : postgres
DEBUG:      password     :
DEBUG:      conn timeout : 0
DEBUG: Connection Information:
DEBUG:      user         : postgres
DEBUG:      port         : 0
DEBUG:      host         : /var/run/postgresql
DEBUG:      dbname       : postgres
DEBUG:      password     :
DEBUG:      conn timeout : 0
DEBUG: Creating DB connection: user=postgres host=/var/run/postgresql dbname=postgres
DEBUG: Database sanity check
DEBUG: Clearing zombies
DEBUG: Checking for jobs to run
DEBUG: Creating job thread for job 1
DEBUG: Creating DB connection: user=postgres host=/var/run/postgresql dbname=postgres
DEBUG: Allocating new connection to database postgres
DEBUG: Starting job: 1
DEBUG: Sleeping...
DEBUG: Creating DB connection: user=postgres host=/var/run/postgresql dbname=postgres dbname=XXXX
DEBUG: Allocating new connection to database XXXX
DEBUG: Executing SQL step 1 (part of job 1)
DEBUG: Checking for jobs to run
DEBUG: Sleeping...
DEBUG: Clearing inactive connections
DEBUG: Connection stats: total - 3, free - 0, deleted - 0
DEBUG: Checking for jobs to run
DEBUG: Sleeping...
DEBUG: Clearing inactive connections
DEBUG: Connection stats: total - 3, free - 0, deleted - 0
DEBUG: Checking for jobs to run
DEBUG: Sleeping...
NOTICE:  table "temp_letters" does not exist, skipping
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "drop table if exists temp_letters"
PL/pgSQL function file_summary_calculate() line 49 at SQL statement
DEBUG: Clearing inactive connections
DEBUG: Connection stats: total - 3, free - 0, deleted - 0
DEBUG: Checking for jobs to run
DEBUG: Sleeping...
NOTICE:  Updated 718475 (1) maxid = 458658084
NOTICE:  Updated 712832 (2) maxid = 458658333


DEBUG: Clearing inactive connections
DEBUG: Connection stats: total - 3, free - 0, deleted - 0
DEBUG: Checking for jobs to run
DEBUG: Sleeping...
NOTICE:  Updated 684102 (150) maxid = 458634627
*** Caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating
DEBUG: Destroying job thread for job 1
DEBUG: Clearing inactive connections
DEBUG: Connection stats: total - 3, free - 0, deleted - 0
DEBUG: Checking for jobs to run
DEBUG: Sleeping...