Обсуждение: How to enable PgAdmin Query Tool Favorites


How to enable PgAdmin Query Tool Favorites

Vahdet Mert
<div dir="ltr">Hi PGAdmin Support,<br /> <br />On 2 Sep, I sent message to <a
href="mailto:pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org">pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org</a>asking for help with PgAdmin Query Tool Favorites.
Ihavent received any reply and I hope this group will be more helpful:<br /> <br />Bug reference: 13605<br />Logged by:
VahdetMert<br />Email address: vahdet.mert@hotmail.com<br />PostgreSQL version: 9.3.9<br />Operating system: ubuntu
14.04<br/>Description: <br /><br />I use pgAdmin extensively but cannot get the Query Tool favorites to work.<br />The
AddFavourite and Manage Favourite menu options are greyed out.<br /><br />I have a valid .pgadminfavorites xml file as
Ican edit the xml directly and<br />see the resulting favorites queries under the Favorites menu. But I just<br
/>cannotadd new favorites or manage existing through the pgadmin interface.<br /><br />Running Ubuntu 14.04 and pgAdmin
1.18.1<br/><br />Thanks,<br />Vahdet<br /> <br /></div>