Обсуждение: Help!



"Randall D. DuCharme"

Have a strange problem with PostgreSQL and am wondering if there's an
easy fix.

When 6.4 beta first came out I upgraded my 6.3.2 system as per the
instructions.... doing a pg_dumpall and restoring.

Sometime around 6.4BETA4 or so a bad thing happened.  I could no longer
update or insert from my libpq++ client programs.  Today, I upgraded
everything to the 6.4 release.  Same problems exist. If I try to do a
pg_dump, or a pg_dumpall now I get....

getTypes(): SELECT failed

It begins to build the dump file but stops abruptly.

If I try to view the database from within psql with the \d switch, I get

-- pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.       This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
while processing the request.

I then moved the entire structure out of the way and built a new one
from the source, created new databases and they seem to function fine.
Therefore, I'm wondering what I've missed and if there's an easy way to
recover the old data.  It's not of any 'real' importance, but it'd be
easier than reloading semi-important stuff manually.

Thanks much in advance for your time and consideration.
Randall D DuCharme
Systems Engineer         Novell, Microsoft, and UNIX Networking Support
Computer Specialists                Free Your Machine....     FreeBSD
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