Обсуждение: Limit on Number of connections


Limit on Number of connections

"Bryan White"
What is the maximum number of simultaneous connections to postgres.  The
mysql site comparisons indicate it is 36.  I have seen references in this
list that the limit can be set when the server backend is compiled.  If so,
where?  What is the downside of setting it too high?  Is 100..200
unreasonable.  This will be on a machine with 256MB of ram doing postgres
and maybe some web serving.

Is there a way to monitor the status of the server (active connections, busy
connections, etc...)?

Is it generally better to have an Apache module accessing the database on
the local machine on on another box on the sub-net.  I guessing the ultimate
would be a dedicated 100MB ethernet connection from the web server to the
database server, but maybe its better to just put them both on the same box.

Bryan White
ArcaMax Inc.
Yorktown VA