Обсуждение: postmaster stops accepting connections on Unix socket '5432'


postmaster stops accepting connections on Unix socket '5432'

Michael Holopainen
> psql mydb

connectDB() -- connect() failed: Connection refused
Is the postmaster running at 'localhost' and accepting connections on
Unix socket '5432'?

Everything ok set according to the rules, unix soket connection works OK
for awhile after restarting the postmaster but after it's been running
10 or 20 hour it suddenly stops accepting connection, and nothing
special in log files neither.

If I issue the command > psql -d mydb -h localhost  -----> OK

So it just that postmaster stops listening to port '5432', WHY ????

I reported this long time ago and received mail from people with similar
problems, but not an answer to this problem, so maybe now...

-michael (A)
   --"Would you fly on airplane controlled by MS Windows ?"--
| Michael Holopainen | Valuraudantie 25 | Tel: +358-(0)9-35093825  |
|                    | 00700 Helsinki   | Fax : +358-(0)9-35093850 |
| Laserle Oy         | Finland          | email: michael@laserle.fi|