Обсуждение: vacuum problem: mdopen: couldn't open


vacuum problem: mdopen: couldn't open

Palle Girgensohn

I have a problem that I cannot solve:

malin=# vacuum verbose analyze;
NOTICE:  mdopen: couldn't open at_provider_user_info: No such
file or directory
NOTICE:  --Relation at_provider_user_info--
NOTICE:  mdopen: couldn't open at_provider_user_info: No such
file or directory
ERROR:  cannot open relation at_provider_user_info

True enough, the file is not there...

find /opt/pgsql/data/base/malin -name 'at_provider_user_info*'

I luckily saved logs at level 2, and here's what seem to have

pgsql.0969321600:DEBUG:  --Relation at_provider_user_info--
pgsql.0969321600:query: select relname from pg_class,
pg_rewrite where pg_class.oid = ev_class and pg_rewrite.ev_type
= '1' and rulename = '_RETat_provider_user_info'
pgsql.0969321600:query: COPY "at_provider_user_info" TO stdout;
pgsql.0969321600:ProcessUtility: COPY "at_provider_user_info"
TO stdout;
pgsql.0969321600:query: SELECT
pg_get_ruledef(pg_rewrite.rulename) AS definition,
pg_rewrite.oid, pg_rewrite.rulename FROM pg_rewrite, pg_class
WHERE pg_class.relname = 'at_provider_user_info' AND
pg_rewrite.ev_class = pg
_class.oid ORDER BY pg_rewrite.oid
pgsql.0969321600:DEBUG:  --Relation at_provider_user_info--
pgsql.0969321600:query: ALTER TABLE at_provider_user_info
pgsql.0969321600:ProcessUtility: ALTER TABLE
at_provider_user_info RENAME TO tmp;
pgsql.0969321600:query: CREATE TABLE at_provider_user_info (id
int4, giver text, name text, order_nr int4, type text, az_only
bool DEFAULT false, hideable bool DEFAULT false);
pgsql.0969321600:ProcessUtility: CREATE TABLE
at_provider_user_info (id int4, giver text, name text, order_nr
int4, type text, az_only bool DEFAULT false, hideable bool
DEFAULT false);
pgsql.0969321600:query: INSERT INTO at_provider_user_info
(id,giver,name, order_nr,type,az_only,hideable)
pgsql.0969321600:query: INSERT INTO at_provider_user_info
pgsql.0969321600:NOTICE:  mdopen: couldn't open
at_provider_user_info: No such file or directory
pgsql.0969321600:NOTICE:  RelationIdBuildRelation:
smgropen(at_provider_user_info): No such file or directory
pgsql.0969321600:NOTICE:  mdopen: couldn't open
at_provider_user_info: No such file or directory
pgsql.0969321600:NOTICE:  mdopen: couldn't open
at_provider_user_info: No such file or directory
pgsql.0969321600:NOTICE:  mdopen: couldn't open
at_provider_user_info: No such file or directory
pgsql.0969321600:query: INSERT INTO at_provider_user_info
pgsql.0969321600:NOTICE:  mdopen: couldn't open
at_provider_user_info: No such file or directory
pgsql.0969321600:NOTICE:  mdopen: couldn't open
at_provider_user_info: No such file or directory
pgsql.0969321600:NOTICE:  mdopen: couldn't open
at_provider_user_info: No such file or directory
pgsql.0969321600:NOTICE:  mdopen: couldn't open
at_provider_user_info: No such file or directory

Any tips, hints or ideas? The db cannot be dumped either. How
can I fix this, and how can I prevent it from happening again.
I have seen this before, and had to rollback to latest backup
at that time.

FreeBSD cymbal.partitur.se 4.1-STABLE FreeBSD 4.1-STABLE #0:
Tue Sep 12 20:11:26 CEST 2000
PostgreSQL 7.0.2 on i386-unknown-freebsdelf4.0, compiled by cc


         Partitur Informationsteknik AB
Wenner-Gren Center             +46 8 566 280 02
113 46 Stockholm               +46 70 785 86 02
Sweden                         girgen@partitur.se