Обсуждение: Disaster Recovery!!


Disaster Recovery!!

"James Snelling"
I had a Linux 6.2 box running serveral virtual domain hosted websites.
Several of these websites used postgres databases, connecting via php3.
I ran a script by accident that totaly messed up the server, basicly rm'ed most of the files on the whole box that were less than 24 hours old. -doh!
Luckily I have some tar-ed backups of  all the normal stuff you would have in the pg data directory. and also the websites and http conf files.
So the plan is to set up a new box with a clean install of redhat, apache, postgres and php then drop the data directory back in from the backup.
Do you think this will work?
Any other thoughts on disaster recorvery are also welcomed.
Cheers, James (embarrased taht he could run such a daft script in the first place!!!)