Обсуждение: Settings for aggressive vacuum


Settings for aggressive vacuum

"Julien Theulier"



We have here a postgres DB receiving daily few giga of text data, from a production system, which has to be merged into tables (insert new rows & update existing) on a Postgres database. Then we run aggregation queries to update reports. The database size will grow regularly over time as we have to keep at least 2 years of history

The thing is that we don’t need to keep old versions of rows (to save disk space, get the highest level of performances, and this is not for a transactional application).


So currently I am doing full vacuums + recollect stats daily at the end of the loading process

Is there another way (in particular avoiding the full vacuum & save loading time) to not keep or clean these old versions of the updated rows. There is a full backup done regularly + procedures for recovery. But I am not very familiar with auto vacuum settings so I don’t know what to choose.

For your information, biggest tables are partitioned by month so they contains not more than few hundred mega, but bulk updates impacts old partitions.


Best regards,

Julien Theulier


Re: Settings for aggressive vacuum

"Kevin Grittner"
"Julien Theulier" <julien@squidsolutions.com> wrote:

> So currently I am doing full vacuums + recollect stats daily at
> the end of the loading process
> Is there another way (in particular avoiding the full vacuum &
> save loading time) to not keep or clean these old versions of the
> updated rows. There is a full backup done regularly + procedures
> for recovery. But I am not very familiar with auto vacuum settings
> so I don't know what to choose.

I hope that by "full vacuum" you don't mean VACUUM FULL; that would
bloat indexes over time.  A VACUUM ANALYZE VERBOSE would be a
reasonable approach after the bulk load/delete step, if it completes
in a reasonable time without hurting performance.  Write the output
to disk and review it to see whether your fsm settings are good and
where you have bloat.

If you're already doing this and have some particular problem, could
you elaborate on what the problem is?
