Обсуждение: thought reader


thought reader

Robert Bernier

Back at OSCON I was approached by Mark Carey who is the president of
OSoft, http://osoft.com. His company has created a software package
called the ThoutReader which is an open source cross-platform
multi-document help system. An individual downloads their package and
allows them to use the reference system using a comprehensive search
system offline. They have compiled documentation for a number of
opensource projects including Perl, MySQL, Python etc. and would like to
do the same for PostgreSQL.

Osoft has taken the documentation from pg_live and mounted it into their
help system as a demonstration of what they can do. They would like us
to go to his site and have and comment at what they are trying to do. I
understand that the documentation system will also have a mechanism
permitting updates too.

The postgresql material should be up for inspection some time next, I'll
keep you informed.

In addition Osoft is looking for any other kind of documentation of
interest, (Eleine?) to publish.
