Обсуждение: Managed PostgreSQL Hosting now available


Managed PostgreSQL Hosting now available

"Joshua D. Drake"
06/24/02 -- Portland Oregon

Command Prompt, Inc. is  pleased to announce a new managed hosting service
for small to businesses and developers. The hosting service based on Mammoth
PostgreSQL and Linux will provide a dedicated, secure and managed
environment for companies and developers wishing to utilize a stable
for their internet based applications.

The managed hosting service is set to launch the second week of July and
will provide a host of unique features to benefit the customer. The
features include but are not limited to:

1. Real support. Unlike many of our competitors, when you contact us for
help, you will get a real live techician with hands on experience using the

2. PostgreSQL support. If you are looking for a Open Source ORDBMS that
is ACID compliant, support referential integrity, and is widely deployed the
only available option is PostgreSQL.

3. Security and reliability. Each server within the service will be behind a
firewall with limited open ports. The system will perform live port scanning
detection, scheduled root kit detection, and GUARANTEED 24 hour business day
response for applicable software security updates.

4. Standards based development. The service comes at no extra charge with
access to Mammoth PostgreSQL, Mammoth LXP (the XML PostgreSQL application
server), JDBC, PERL, Python, PHP, C, and C++ development libraries. Of
course, the web server is Apache and the operating system is Red Hat 7.3.

5. Private Instance. Each customer will recieve their own private instances
of PostgreSQL, thus providing a secure environment for the business

Command Prompt, Inc., provides support, custom programming, and services for
PostgreSQL. Service contracts, as well as time and materials support are
available, allowing for single-point accountability for a customer's
database solution. Command Prompt, Inc., also provides managed dedicated
hosting for those companies seeking a dedicated managed computing experience
for their application.

Companies seeking more information about the hosting program should contact
sales@commandprompt.com or Joshua Drake at +1 503-736-4609. For more
information on Command Prompt, Inc. as a whole please visit
http://www.commandprompt.com/ .