Обсуждение: Mammoth PostgreSQL Replicator 1.4 Released (Updated)


Mammoth PostgreSQL Replicator 1.4 Released (Updated)

"Joshua D. Drake"
Mammoth PostgreSQL Replicator 1.4 is the latest generation of the
PostgreSQL replication engine from Command Prompt, Inc. As with any
major software release, this new version includes bug fixes and new
features. The major new features included in this release are:

Live promotion. The ability to promote a slave to a master without the
need to restart the database.

Non blocking full dump. When a slave requires a full sync with the
master, replicator no longer requires an exclusive lock on the master.
This new feature allows full dumps to occur without effecting normal

Mammoth PostgreSQL Replicator is an asynchronous replication system
designed  to be WAN and faulty connection tolerant. It is 100% community
PostgreSQL compatible. Unlike other replication solutions, Mammoth
PostgreSQL Replicator is part of the database, does not require triggers
or additional sql modifications for use. Replicator uses a distributed
TransactionLog system to keep track of updates produced by the Master
database. The system allows for multiple Slaves to receive updates in
either a continuous or batch mode.

Mammoth PostgreSQL from Command Prompt, Inc. is a robust, reliable,
SQL-compatible Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS). It
is designed to give small to medium size businesses the power,
performance, and open-standard support they desire.

Written in "C" as an addition to the PostgreSQL database Mammoth
PostgreSQL Replicator delivers a new level of reliability and provides
that last missing key feature for 24/7 PostgreSQL usage.

PostgreSQL is the worlds most reliable and extensible Open Source
database. Unlike its primary Open Source competitor it is truly ACID
compliant and offers features such as triggers, stored procedures,
domain constraints and an open development model.

Command Prompt, Inc., provides support, custom programming, and services
for PostgreSQL. Service contracts, as well as time and materials support
are available, allowing for single-point accountability for a customer's
database solution.

Software Availability

RedHat 7.3+ - NOW
Fedora Core 1+ - NOW
SuSE 8.2+ - NOW
Solaris 9 - NOW
Gentoo - NOW
FreeBSD 5.3 - NOW (Updated)

For more information, please visit Command Prompt, Inc. at

Command Prompt, Inc., your source for PostgreSQL replication,
professional support, programming, managed services, shared
and dedicated hosting. Home of the Open Source Projects plPHP,
plPerlNG, pgManage,  and pgPHPtoolkit.
Contact us now at: +1-503-667-4564 - http://www.commandprompt.com
