Обсуждение: PL/Py version 0.3 Release


PL/Py version 0.3 Release

James William Pye
PL/Py version 0.3, a PostgresPy Project[1], has been released. It has matured
significantly since 0.1, so it is strongly recommended that interested parties
test this version and comment about their experience so that more qualified
progress can be made on the project.

[Bugs cannot be squashed and difficulties cannot be eased unless they are known]

The project news item can be found here[2].

This release made the following fixes and alterations:
 * Many, many bug fixes and plugged memory leaks.
 * New type system interface (Postgres types are Python types)
 * Cached queries [Postgres.CachedQuery() wrapper around Query()]
 * regprocedure based function lookup[Postgres.Function("schema.proc(int,int)")]
 * Python 2.5 generator arguments support (Makes use of "send" methods)
 * Multidimensional array support (return (("foo",),("bar,"))).
 * Anonymous Record/Row Type support (Blessed TupleDesc's)
 * 8.1 build support with IN/OUT parameters support.
 * Query output types are now discovered upon preparation (opposed to Portal)
 * Single sequences are now taken for arrays and tuples. [xtype(('bar',1))]
 * "NULL" is now Python's "None".

PL/Py depends on the Layout package and the exception(ex/maiden) package. Once
those are installed, it will be possible to build the procedural language:

# Configure the build against the specified PostgreSQL installation
python ./setup.py config --postgresql=/usr/local/bin/pg_config

# Build and install
python ./setup.py build && sudo python ./setup.py install

For the quickest way to get started, see the Quick Start page[3]

[1] http://python.projects.postgresql.org
[2] http://pgfoundry.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=650
[3] http://python.projects.postgresql.org/quick.html#Fetch+and+Install+the+Backend
Regards, James William Pye