Обсуждение: PostgreSQL UK 2008


PostgreSQL UK 2008

Simon Riggs
In case anyone missed the first announcement the PostgreSQL UK 2008
Conference is being held in Birmingham, UK on April 2nd.

I've just had confirmation that the Early Bird Rate has been extended
until March 10th, but no later. There are some concessionary places
available for students also, so we want *everyone* there.

This is an important event for the UK because its the first country-wide
PostgreSQL event. We want people from all corners to come so we can
organise ourselves better and kick off local groups. If you want to
extend PostgreSQL Advocacy please come along. Or just come and talk
database with everybody there: all of the main UK-based developers and
contributors will be there.

Volunteers for Staff on the day, please contact me. Bookings please
check the link on the Conference web site:

This is a non-profit conference - all fees go towards conference
organisation and PostgreSQL funds.

Thanks everyone,

  Simon Riggs
  2ndQuadrant  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com

  PostgreSQL UK 2008 Conference: http://www.postgresql.org.uk