Обсуждение: Bug in subselect


Bug in subselect

                        POSTGRESQL BUG REPORT TEMPLATE

Your name               :        Pierluigi Frullani
Your email address      :        pigi@frumar.it

System Configuration
  Architecture (example: Intel Pentium)         :  Intel Pentium
  Architecture       Other                      :  Ultra 250

  Operating System (example: Linux 2.0.26 ELF)  :  Linux 2.0.33  ELF
  Operating System                              :  Solaris 2.6

  PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-6.4.2)  :   PostgreSQL-6.4.2
  PostgreSQL version                              :   PostgreSQL-6.3

  Compiler used (example:  gcc 2.8.0)           : gcc
  For solaris we used the bin distrib.

Please enter a FULL description of your problem:
In a select with a sub select if you use a true condition as " AND 1 = 1 "
in the 6.4.2. you will get no result and in the 6.3 you will get coredump

This is needed when we compose the query string and we have no other condition.
In informix and oracle it work.

Please describe a way to repeat the problem.   Please try to provide a
concise reproducible example, if at all possible:
 we use this select :

SELECT chiamate.n_chiam,  chiamate.probl,  clienti.rag_soc,
       chiamate.contatto,  chiamate.severita,
       tabseverita.desseverita,  esecutori.cognome,
       stato_chiamata.des_stato ,  chiamate.data_aper,
       tabseverita.colore ,  chiamate.dta_primo_cont
FROM chiamate,chiamatedet,commesse,esecutori,clienti,
WHERE chiamatedet.n_chiam = chiamate.n_chiam
 AND chiamatedet.data_ult =  (select max(b.data_ult)
                                from chiamatedet  b
                                where b.n_chiam= chiamate.n_chiam
                                AND 1 = 1)        <=== here the problem.
 AND chiamate.cod_com = commesse.cod_com
 AND chiamatedet.stato_chiamata=stato_chiamata.cod_stato
 AND chiamatedet.cod_ese = esecutori.cod_ese
 AND commesse.cod_soc_cli = clienti.cod_societa
 AND tabseverita.codseverita = chiamate.severita
 AND stato_chiamata.flag_stato='O'
ORDER BY chiamate.n_chiam

If we do not use the showed condition the select will work .

Here attached there is the dump of our database
