Обсуждение: Possible bug in postgres || libpq


Possible bug in postgres || libpq

fredrik chabot

I'm started to try to use postgres as a backend for an bussiness
application run up to what i think could be a bug in either postgres or

Mainly a

> NOTICE:  Buffer Leak: [012] (freeNext=-3, freePrev=-3, relname=dsrbk,
> blockNum=0, flags=0x4, refcount=64 3)

or similar following a COMMIT and a core after some time.

It is reproducable when running the same commands thrue the psql util.

Log included, i know it isn't pretty sql code but it should work right?
All cursors are on unique indexes.

Iff this is a mailing list of some sort pls cc any answer to my e-mail

Met vriendelijke groet,

Fredrik Chabot


Re: [BUGS] Possible bug in postgres || libpq

Tom Lane
fredrik chabot <fredrik@f6.nl> writes:
>> NOTICE:  Buffer Leak: [012] (freeNext=-3, freePrev=-3, relname=dsrbk,
>> blockNum=0, flags=0x4, refcount=64 3)

That is a backend bug, without doubt.  I fixed a number of problems that
could lead to that message a month or two ago.  If you are running a
version older than 6.5.3 it'd be worth upgrading, I think.  But there
were some fixes that I didn't risk committing into 6.5.* because they
were too complex to be sure about --- they will have to wait for the
7.0 betatest/release cycle.

> Log included, i know it isn't pretty sql code but it should work right?

Unfortunately this log is quite useless since you didn't supply table
declarations or test data needed to reproduce the problem.  So I can't
be sure if my previous fixes take care of your problem or not...

            regards, tom lane