Обсуждение: default timestamp of 'now'


default timestamp of 'now'

"Michael Richards"
I'm using postgres 7.0.2 on a FreeBSD 4.0-STABLE system. Compiled
with gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release).

When I create a table with a default timestamp of 'now' it works as
expected. When I create it with the timestamp 'now'::timestamp
explicitly specifying the type, it evaluates this to the actual time
I create the table:
> create table test (a int4,test timestamp default 'now');
> create table test1 (a int4,test timestamp default 'now'::timestamp);
> \d test
             Table "test"
 Attribute |   Type    |   Modifier
 a         | integer   |
 test      | timestamp | default 'now'

fastmail=> \d test1
                             Table "test1"
Attribute|   Type    |                   Modifier
 a       | integer   |
 test    | timestamp | default '2000-08-18 13:24:16-04'::"timestamp"

My guess is that it's performing the conversion and interpretation of
the default expression when the table is created. This is a good
thing if you have a constant expression, ie default 1+2. However, an
expression that is not constant should not be evaluated until the
insertion is performed.

Something like default 'now'::timestamp-'1 year'::timespan is odd
because it evaluates the 'now' but not the entire function:

default ('2000-08-18 13:28:41-04'::"timestamp" - '1 year

A simple addition:
create table test3 (a int4 default 1+2,test timestamp);

Yields an already evaluated expression:
 a         | integer   | default 3

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