Обсуждение: Access 97 and PSQL ODBC Update


Access 97 and PSQL ODBC Update

Charles (charlesk@netgaintechnology.com) reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
Access 97 and PSQL ODBC Update

Long Description
Update: I can reproduce this now.  In a text field if a record already has the text "Hello" in it and I type that same
textin to the new field, it gives this error.  I checked and Access does not think there is an index on this field.
Thereis only one index and that is a unique index on an autonumber field. 

As of now this is not reproducible. Sometimes when entering data into a PSQL table through Microsoft Access, when you
leavethe field to commit the record to the table it changes all of the data you entered to #Deleted. If you close the
tableand open it again the data you entered is back. The data must be getting into the table but it is annoying the the
onlyway to see the data you entered is to close the table and reopen it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sample Code

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