Обсуждение: absolute(int rownumber) method not implemented as per Sun guidlines


absolute(int rownumber) method not implemented as per Sun guidlines

Rahul Tyagi (rahul@envivio.com) reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
absolute(int rownumber) method not implemented as per Sun guidlines

Long Description
absolute(int rownumber) method of ResultSet interface (in postgresql.jar) is not defined as per the Sun JDK1.3

As per postgresql.jar rownumber are zero indexed means if i will call rs.absolute(0) then it will move cursor to row 1.
As per Sun JDK specs ,if i will call rs.absolute(1) then it should move cursor to row 1.

If somebody is writting application for multiple RDBMS ,then this kind of variation from specification may lead to more
codingtime & frustation. 

Sample Code

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Re: absolute(int rownumber) method not implemented as per Sun guidlines

Peter Mount
At 13:22 08/03/01 -0500, pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org wrote:
>Rahul Tyagi (rahul@envivio.com) reports a bug with a severity of 2
>The lower the number the more severe it is.
>Short Description
>absolute(int rownumber) method not implemented as per Sun guidlines
>Long Description
>absolute(int rownumber) method of ResultSet interface (in postgresql.jar)
>is not defined as per the Sun JDK1.3 definition.
>As per postgresql.jar rownumber are zero indexed means if i will call
>rs.absolute(0) then it will move cursor to row 1.

Nope, it throws an SQLException with the text "Cannot move to index of 0".

>As per Sun JDK specs ,if i will call rs.absolute(1) then it should move
>cursor to row 1.

It currently moves to row 1 (internal row 0).

What version of the driver are you using?
